25 April 2023

Israel Memorial Day for Fallen ...and Upright Soldiers

Anarchists Plan to Drown Out Minister Ben Gvir with Hatikvah on Memorial Day

 David Israel 

Israel’s Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism is the country’s most sacred non-religious holiday: the names of every last fallen soldier and terror victim are scrolled on the TV screen for 24 hours; the entire country comes to a halt twice to the sound of sirens on the eve and on the morning of that day; and multitudes visit the 75 military sections in cemeteries across the entire country. This year, having already desecrated Holocaust Day with their repugnant interruptions of remembrance ceremonies, the anarchists are planning to disrupt Memorial Day as well, in front of the bereaved families who visit the graves of their loved ones.

If your flight back from outer space has just landed, I should inform you that over the past four months of your absence, the Jewish State has gone mad with rage and hate, to the point where families have been split and individuals and groups are screaming at one another on the streets, not to mention demonstrating for weeks on end, blocking highways, and disturbing the peace of active and retired public officials from all walks of life. It’s been a mildly violent civil war with no fatalities, thank God, but the exhaustion and depression that’s being experienced by millions of Israelis are tantamount to PTSD.

In other words, a rich and inviting soil for social anarchists who follow the teachings of Saul David Alinsky, the author of “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer.” The book provides lessons on how a community organizer can successfully unite people into an active grassroots organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues.

These are Alinsky’s Rules:

  1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  2. Never go outside the expertise of your people.
  3. Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.
  4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
  5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
  6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
  7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
  8. Keep the pressure on.
  9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain constant pressure upon the opposition.
  11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter-side; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.
  12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

In keeping with that last rule, anarchist Gonen Ben Itzhak is enlisting his army of followers to demolish National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

One of the long-held traditions of the IDF Memorial Day is that the Knesset honors every memorial service at the military sections of the country’s cemeteries by sending one or more elected officials as a sign of respect for the loss of the families. 

This tradition, like so many other sacred parts of the country’s heritage, has been under attack by the anarchists, but also by a large number of bereaved families who insist that they don’t want “politicians” at “their” gravesite. The left has been using the term “politicians” to denigrate elected officials, presumably because their side has fewer of those.

Earlier this week, I covered the unfortunate exchange between Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and representatives of the bereaved families. They demanded not to send “politicians” to the memorials, the minister would have none of it; they asked that the politicians the Knesset sends should at least have served in the IDF, Gallant wouldn’t hear that one either. 

It was a miserable exchange, which was leaked (Government Anxious to Prevent Independence Day from Falling into Anarchists’ Hands) and made the DM look like a brute, even though he was actually the sane one in the debate.

Gallant later conceded by asking elected officials not to involve politics when they speak at those memorial events. As if the MKs go to these events armed with election brochures and position papers.

Gonen Ben Itzhak is targeting Minister Ben Gvir, who was refused by the IDF in his youth when he showed up to enlist, on account of his radical activities. Ben Itzhak tweeted:

“At the Memorial Day ceremony which will be held on Tuesday, April 25, at 10:00 AM, we all arrive at the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva to strengthen the bereaved families who are shocked by the arrival of Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. We ask not to carry protest symbols, no signs, no shouting. While Ben Gvir will speak, we will start singing the song “Ha’Reut” (friendship), and then we will sing the anthem. Our message is friendship and hope.”

Naturally, Ben Itzhak, the anarchists, and even the leftist bereaved families do not care a hoot about the bereaved on the other side of the political aisle. Because, as Alinsky has taught, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon,” and “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. ”

It’s tempting for the right to borrow from the same playbook, and some groups, such as Im Tirtzu, have attempted it. With all due respect, this would be fighting tumah with tumah. By imitating the anarchists, we become like them. If our pro-government brothers and sisters were to ask me, I would have advised them to assemble in groups large and small all over the country and learn Torah, preferably about justice, national solidarity, and our right to the land. Sure, bring together a million Jews in support of the judicial reform, as is being planned for after Independence Day, but instead of screaming slogans, sit down on the grass with your smartphones and learn some gemora.

May our camp remain pure.


Anonymous said...

We must first accept the fact that most of these 'anarchists' are outright Erev Rav. They are determined to get their way as they have been working for this goal for over 3000 years.
They will not stop (hopefully, their Jewish useful idiots will realize the error of their ways and do teshuva) until MBY or MBD will end all the evil of the Erev Rav.

Neshama said...

In 1948 we had the socialistic non-religious youth with alot of devotion to the LAND give their strength and lives to liberating (fighting the british plus) and developing Eretz Yisrael. Could we not give them the credit that Hashem inspired them and aided them in this beginning process?
After all, Hashem wanted to lay the groundwork, so to speak, for the building-up the Land so that future generations could experience the full redemption. I believe many of these neshomas were forgiven for their lack of full observance of Yiddishkeit. Europe was a horrible place and they sought escape. They did not go anywhere else but to The Jewish Homeland. That says alot.
HOWever, and that’s a big However, among those and not all who came after the ‘initial’ young souls, had plans to create a country w/o religion and w/o Hashem guiding them. The Erev Rav reform of Europe competed with the Religious News for domination and control. And we see that they achieved that, in addition to building up the LAND. All this had to be done "Mirmah utachbulos”, and we are still in that process.
Soon Mashiach will explain everything to us. But, as Rabbi Kessin explained, what we are witnessing right now is a Birur [* Birur", meaning "clarification", which is part of a larger cosmic plan called " · Tikun", meaning rectification or restoration of the broken vessels], before Mashiach. Those that are not-redeemable will not survive (when and how, we don’t know).
I’m not in any way excusing those who did much harm to our people, the calculation is all up to Hashem.

Anonymous said...

You are completely right, but we are not talking about the pioneers who started the state and worked the Land and fought the wars. Most were from religious homes back in Europe or from observant families and were truly committed to Eretz Yisrael with all their hearts and souls.
Today we are in a different era where society worldwide has descended to the lowest abyss.
The Erev Rav amongst us (who were many times some of the leaders, etc. from the start) have the power today due to their affiliations with the nations (that's what erev rav do; they align themselves with the nations who give them the power they need) so they could make the State like the other nations. That's why today we see the difference. Those who gave their lives for
Eretz Yisrael are holy neshamot! That is a given! Because of them, we are back home!
May their memories be for a blessing for kol Am Yisrael! Soon Moshiach will be here, b'ezrat H', and every Yehudi will be considered a tzadik! Amen!

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