24 March 2021

The Future (digital) Currency

Bitcoin ATMs Are Landing At Gas Stations, Delis And Convenience Stores Near You

The trend of Bitcoin ATMs has already started in some delis and gas stations in places like Montana, the Carolinas and New York City.

Companies like CoinFlip and Coin Cloud have installed “thousands” of the ATMs across the country, according to Reuters. Coin Cloud has 1,470 machines around the United States and is aiming for 10,000 by the end of 2021.

Quad Coin founder Mark Shoiket said: “I just assumed there was demand and people wanted bitcoin everywhere.” He just recently flew to Montana to find 7 new places to install bitcoin ATMs, including a local vape shop.

There are currently 28,185 bitcoin ATMs in the United States. About 10,000 of those have popped up over the last 5 months, the report notes. Some people use the ATMs because they sometimes feel more comfortable interacting with a physical machine, while others do it for anonymity purposes. Fees can range from 6% up to 20% of a total transaction.

There is now a Bitcoin ATM in every state except Alaska.

51-year-old Pittsburgh resident Rebecca White said: “When we do our grocery shopping and we have $60 left, I will stop at the bitcoin ATM.”

Pamela Clegg, director of financial investigations and education at cryptocurrency compliance firm CipherTrace, said: “The growth of the ATM market – it is not even a gentle increase, it is almost a 45% increase. The growth is quite astonishing.”

Source of full article Zero Hedge

Originally viewed ActivistPost


we are slowly being moved into a digital currency, without banks, tellers, change and bills. the future is here. total control is around the corner. Already, in Israel, there is a digital online bank, with no one to speak to, but with virtual control of your finances ( it won’t be difficult to shift from ‘paper currency’ to a digitally controlled financial account. the next step is ‘no cash’.

1 comment:

moshe said...

This cashless thing goes against everything that is Torah. Of course, like everything else in their plans.
We need to hold on to our Emunah/Bitachon!

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