21 March 2021

Reb Chananya Weissman Speaks At The Motzei Shabbat WORLD WIDE RALLY

 Worthwhile to listen to the entire vimeo, he speaks around 51 into the video! Most speak in Ivrit, but some speak bot ivrit and English, so jump to each one to find the English if needed. 

"The speakers were a wide array of people uniting to stand for freedom and medical autonomy.  This was a worldwide event in over 75 countries and 100 locations around the world, and the video is of the Jerusalem event. Naturally, the media and politicians ignored it. (Chananya)”


עצרת כלל עולמית למען החופש - ישראל from THE-SHOW on Vimeo.


elisheva said...

Regardless, these elections are not a one-issue election. Every Gd-fearing Jew should use their free will to stand with the Torah and vote for a party that will fight Reform conversions and the Bagatzisation of Israel, and not throw their vote away.

Neshama said...

elisheva: ALL the parties are FAKE! There is no party yhat stands for the TORAH!there are only individuals that are Torah True. They are ALL the frying pan!

elisheva said...

Neshama, the world isn't perfect, but we do the best we can in the circumstances. If you really think that there is not a jot of difference between the parties, you can vote Meretz, or simply not bother. Rabbanim that I respect say to vote for Charedi parties or Religious Zionism. The result is probably going to be inconclusive leading to weeks of wrangling, but all the same, I'll do my hishtadlut and vote for the best fit on offer, and Hashem will decide the outcome.

I'm not claiming to be an expert at all, but I do find it concerning the lack of understanding that people demonstrate regarding emuna and bitachon, and how they pertain to the world of asiya and our hishtadlut. My understanding is that we should take the action we can in the circumstances we find ourselves (with respect to every area of life), not throw our hands up in despair because the situation isn't perfect.

I'm sure you know the mashal of the man hanging on a cliff's edge crying out for heavenly assistance, and whatever earthly assistance Hashem sent wasn't pure and exalted enough.

Neshama said...

We are not allowed to aid the Erev Ravniks in their endeavours!!

moshe said...

Couldn't believe what I was seeing. Reminds one of the 60's Hippie Movement. They have the right idea about the 'freedom' part, but nothing is going to help, like Neshama says. It's all corrupt!
Just like Ovadia's video above is trying to show, only the Kingdom of Moshiach Tzdkeinu will triumph! Really enjoy his videos.
Praying for the Geulah to materialize already 'ASAP'.
BTW, it's Rabbi Chananya Weissman, not 'Reb'.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

As Torah Jews, we must remember that this entire charade is fake, it's not real. We are meant to be Malchut! with a King...Moshiach. Anything else is an illusion, no matter how real it might seem. How is that one can say we must have Emunah and bitachon and then believe that their vote determines the outcome...determines our destiny? When our own (Torah Jews) break out in a brawl and stab each other over this machinery of the erev rav, then we know that we are lost in the egel. I, personally, will not participate any longer in the lie. This time, I'm staying home.

Neshama said...

Gabriella, there should be a huge boycott of voting in the election! I agree, and am not voting. However, as Torah Jews we are expected to participate in this world. My participation is in being disgusted with the entire Erev Rav political scene. The people at the rally were and are standing up for those oppressed. The great reset is also on the agenda of BN and the others will follow along as good puppies they are.

BUT there must be a voice in opposition of their plans, and it needs to be loud and constant. Wokism and Culture cancellation is creeping into Israeli society. We already have all the fake foods being glamorized in TA, and if they try to eliminate our standard foods, eggs, chicken, dairy, meat, et al, we need to protest vigorously!

Neshama said...

Oooh, so sorry, didn’t know he was a Rabbi. Apologies Rabbi Chananya Weissman.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...