07 March 2021

Rav Nir Ben Artzi ... Important Message

Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi said in his last lesson: "The plague is not a transient thing, it will not end until a Messiah is discovered. Every day a different virus is discovered abroad, until a Messiah is discovered and it is finally finished.


elisheva said...

One of the refrains common in this period has been, don't bother me about aliya, I"m too busy with corona. Yet, the message from this shiur coupled with that of Rav Winston's recent class is that it is not going to be over, and the time of the geula is accompanied by great upheaval. If ever was the time before it's too late it would be now.

Below is the transcript from a recent video by Rav Zizolholtz:

A very important message for Jews around the world: the whole world is in danger, we're on the verge of a global holocaust! Share with at least five people

This video is for everyone who has someone outside of Israel. If you're watching this outside of Israel, please listen very carefully. If you're watching this in Israel, the Holy Land, and you have friends and family in the diaspora, please share it and ask them, beg them not to ignore it. Don't say that everything is going to be ok, calm down, because it's not going to be ok.

The corona virus has affected the whole world, everyone can see it. Everything has come to a halt, airports are closed down. Everything is completely collapsing. More and more companies are going bankrupt.

Things are becoming increasingly complicated. We're on the verge of a global holocaust. A holocaust that is going to tear the world apart. a third world war, that will tear humanity apart. It's going to be a terrible war, a war with America and China, and all of Europe, and absolutely terrible things. The great America is going to get the beating of its life, that's what our tradition foretells. A great tsunami. And the most protected place on earth is the Land of Israel.
All the tsaddikim, absolutely all of them, are shouting out, come home fast. You've got nothing to stay for there. Come home.
In Europe, in 1935, 1936, 1937, the Jews could already see what the madman was going to do. And people had lots of businesses, and it was really hard to give them up, and they and their businesses perished.
We want you to be saved. We don't want you, as Rav Yehuda Leibovitz from Bnei Brak, he was called an angel of Gd, said, he said to one of his followers, if you're going to America tell the Jews there to come to Israel, otherwise they'll be lucky if they make aliya in their pyjamas.
Dear brothers and sisters, the war hasn't started yet, we're on the verge. Flee, flee and come to Israel as quickly as possible. Save yourselves. Do everything in order to come to Israel. I don't know how, make every effort you can. Because your lives are at risk. Because once it all starts, the skies will truly be closed.
Then it will be truly impossible to do anything, and what will become of you? How will you get here?
Yes, it's dangerous in Israel, but the danger will be miniscule compared to what’s going to happen in the rest of the world.
At the same time, until then, strengthen yourselves in Torah and mitzvot, in every way possible. Do very strong tshuva, because if, Gd forbid, you don't manage to get to Israel before the start of the war…Only your strengthening yourselves in Torah and mitzvot will protect you and keep you safe.
Here in Eretz Yisrael, we are praying for you, waiting to see you here, anticipating the arrival of the Moshiach, but in order to see him with great mercy, we need great merit.
Please, please, please take this video and send it to all the continents of the world.
I'm just telling you what all the tsaddikim (righteous people) in Israel are telling you, all of them in unison.
Please, please spread this video every way possible. Every Jew who can pack up, come home, come home to Eretz Yisrael. And until then strengthen yourselves in kedusha in every way possible, with modesty, guarding your mouth, changing your relationship with Hashem,
Make your relationship with Hashem more spiritual, closer to Him, because that will be your protection that will keep you safe. Good luck and much love.

Neshama said...

Thank you elisheva.

However, I shout from the rooftop that the holocaust and final solution is being perpetrated by so-called CURE for this virus, if left alone would only kill those who were supposed to die in the years 2020 and 2021. We are nearing 2022 and we don’t know what is supposed to come our way. America is being swallowed by fascism. The WORLD IS IN THE THROES OF DIN!

moshe said...

Quite true, Neshama. But, elisheva doesn't seem to realize that the doors of EY are closed! Many, many Jews would have made aliya or at least come up for a visit (even for the first time) which would have made their minds up to make aliya. This pandemic is purposely being made to continue! The vaccine should never have been and this virus would be another form of a flu virus and we know the world did not end because of the usual flu seasons; those vulnerable, in general, to any form of sickness will have gotten sick and been treated which would have relieved the sick and cured them of that particular form of virus. This makah can easily have been averted, healed, cured but we have today technology far advanced where the media has such control on the minds of the vulnerable and gullible that anything, if desired by the wicked, can be made into any kind of epidemic, pandemic, etc.
Let's pray that we can see many Jews making teshuvah and Hashem, in His Infinite Mercy, will bring the Geulah speedily with great rachamim! The closing of the doors/gates to Eretz Yisrael is beyond evil - NO Jew should be left behind. Expel the enemies from within and bring in the children of Israel, as G-D has Commanded! Amen!

Basya said...

bs"d It is confusing to read these very strong warnings.... only because I do not have anyone in my family who is also on board with this... trying to get to Israel on my own, which means leaving my family and living alone seems very daunting... yet I am trying to heed the signs.. Will Hashem abandon His Children in the diaspora? I find this so hard to believe, since we are told Hashem will bring us home from where ever we are, in the east or the west.... in the end this is a personal decision each person has to chsesbon... wishing all abundant shmira from Our Father In Heaver, whereever you are...

Neshama said...

inspirational, Moshe.

Debra said...

To write that all jews outside of Israel will be destroyed is so wrong. No one knows Hashems plans and there are so many righteous jews living outside of israel- many that cant move even if they wanted to.
Maybe a better idea would be for everyone to work on themselves instead of judging all other Jews.

Debra said...

I learned from very holy Rabbanim and Rebbetzins that it will be those that are modest that will be protected. Even if one lives in Israel if they do not act and dress modestly they push the shechina away. When a woman is tznius she brings down the biggest protection for herself, her family and her people- no matter what country she is in
The most unpopular topic is the most inportant one

Neshama said...

Debra, you are so correct. Thank you for commenting. I did not listen to the shiur because I would not understand all the Ivrit. Your comment is most appreciated.

Lee said...

My friend and her family just made Aliyah this past week... not completely closed

Lee said...

My friend and her family just made Aliyah last week ...

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