03 March 2021

Israeli Law and the Israeli Citizen

so why are the Israelis allowing this to go on, rise up, speak out, and shout,


 The Legality of the “Green Passport”

This subject that is on today’s agenda is “in fashion”. So much so, that I decided to write something very short to inform the public of the legal reality of the Coronavirus vaccine green passport, without political interference and thus be able to judge for themselves.

There is no green passport and there never will be.

The color of the document doesn’t matter – it’s a piece of paper and nothing else. The validity of this document, if it is ever valid for something relevant, will be decided by the 13 Justices in the Israeli Supreme Court.

I caution you not believe in the words of populist politicians or even the blessing of Ha-Yo’etz Ha-Mishpati La-Memshala,  Attorney General of Israel Dr. Avichai Mandelblit.

The Vaccine and the Damage It Can Cause to the Vaccinated Person

There are not many publications regarding the details of the harm the vaccine can cause to people who have specific allergies or a combination of medical conditions, the vaccine simply was not tested for these variables. Many people suffer from side effects of the vaccine, some have even died. There have been many cases of different consequences people have suffered and we will only know the depth of this situation in years to come – this is the reality and this reality even needed a law to defend those who suffer side effects from vaccines (Covid 19 or ANY OTHER VACCINE).

The law is called:

(1989) חוק ביטוח נפגעי חיסון, תש”ן -1989

The Vaccine Victims’ Insurance Law 5750-1989

The Law that Requires an Israeli Citizen to Get Vaccinated

Does such a law actually exist?

פקודת בריאות העם מס’ 40 לש’ 1940

Public Health Ordinance No. 40 of 1940 (not available in English)

This 1940 law is still in effect and is still in use and it is not without reason that all attempts to change the law have failed. The last attempt to change that law was in 2018 and the proposed law was not accepted.

הצעת חוק לתיקון פקודת בריאות העם (מדיניות חיסונים לאומית ומתן תמריצים להתחסנות), התשע”ט–2018

Bill amending the Public Health Ordinance (National Immunization Policy and Providing Incentives for Immunization), 2018 (not available in English)

In short 

Who rules and decides in Israel? The 13 citizens who sit in the Supreme Court using their powers that were not given (בית משפט עליון בשבתו כבית משפט גבוה לצדק),  but “created” by themselves and by weakness of the executive power of Israel.

It will be BAGATZ (the High Court of Justice department at the Office of the State Attorney that is responsible for representing State authorities in proceedings filed in the Supreme Court in the fields of administrative and constitutional law) that will decide on this issue and our politicians (as always) will adapt to the reality – the decision will be given by the BAGATZ department in one way or another.

The Value of the Green Passport 

The use of the name “green passport” instead of using the correct term: TEUDAT CHISUN (vaccine card) is nothing more than a “trick” and eventually we will learn what benefits this passport will have after BAGATZ decides how and when we can breathe with or without masks. But keep in mind that their ruling will be valid only inside of Israel because they can’t force another country to accept this document that is not really a “passport” of any kind.

They need to consider and make concessions for people living in Israel who can’t receive the vaccine for medical reasons, as well as for people who refuse to accept the vaccine for other reasons that they feel strongly about, and for people who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19. What will happen in Israel if they decide to deny people use of public transportation or access to malls and entertainment venues on the basis of them not having a “green passport”? It is easy to guess that one result could be illegal sales of these documents, another could be an upsurge in organized protests, etc. There cannot be a positive outcome of such a decision of questionable legality.


moshe said...

But isn't the problem that no one can trust the 'supreme court'? They even override the prime ministers in war, etc. They are themselves globalists. Praying that the above article about the insane green p.p. is true and it cannot be taken seriously because it really is so evilly stupid, it cannot stand! But, we must remember that we are now literally living in the world of Chelm!

Neshama said...

yes, exactly, let them override BN et al again. Also there is a lawsuit against BN and his lacky against their med mafia stuff, and there are the Rapeh group against the lockdowns et al. so something is brewing but we won’t read about it in the Israeli news = censoring.

Neshama said...

Moshe, even tho i don’t listen to him any more, his latest title says it all, "Days Of Messiah - The Foundations Of The Jewish State Is Destroyed By The Israeli Supreme Court”. He said it better than me.

moshe said...

Neshama: Yes, hopefully something is brewing where everyone can go back to normal and regain their IQ's. Halevai, Moshiach is already at the door and all this would have been just a bad dream.
As to what you write here 'Days of Moshiach...';who are you referring to?

Neshama said...

Moshe, sorry, Rabbi Mizrachi. I thought I had added a link.

moshe said...

Thanks, Neshama. Seems H' always uses the reshaiim to undo themselves! How ironic that the s.c. that hate Yehudim wind up doing the job of undoing themselves, for the Yehudim. May 'EY HaShleimah Rise' in all its glory!

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