02 March 2021


 Number of Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climbs by Nearly 4,000 in One Week

Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events were submitted to VAERS, including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

The latest data made public by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on deaths and injuries reported after COVID vaccines are in line with trends that have been emerging since the first data were released in December.

Between Dec. 14, 2020 and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events have been reported to VAERS, including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

About a third of the deaths reported occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 48% of the people who died became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

About 21% of the deaths were cardiac-related. As The Defender reported last month,  Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in December that mRNA vaccines like those developed by Pfizer and Moderna could cause heart attacks and other injuries in ways not assessed in safety trials.

Of the reported deaths, 966 were reported in the U.S. and 129 outside the U.S. The average age of the deceased was 77.8, the youngest was 23. Of those who died, 53% were male, 46% female and 1% of the reports did not include gender. Of those who died, 56% received the Pfizer vaccine, and 43% got the Moderna vaccine.

The number of serious adverse events reports increased by 641 this week, to a total of 3,767 between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 18. Adverse reaction reports from the latest CDC data include:

By comparison, during the same time period — Dec. 14, 2020 – Feb. 18, 2021 —  VAERS received reports of 83 deaths following flu vaccines.

According to the VAERS website, “it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established … VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.”

VAERS is the primary mechanism in the U.S. for reporting adverse vaccine reactions. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a determination can be made as to whether the reported adverse event was directly or indirectly caused by the vaccine.

As of Feb. 18, 57.74 million COVID vaccines had been administered in the U.S.

On Feb. 27, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Emergency Use Authorization to a third COVID vaccine — the Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccine. Doses are expected to roll out as early as this week. Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.



[…] I worry about all the adverse events that are not being reported. So many people listen to their doctors and believe there is no connection. Many others no nothing about VAERS. And, of course, none of these figures are making it to the majority of the population

Its really a sad day when doctors who took the oath to do no harm and patients are no longer first priority but instead their allegiance is to the pharmaceutical industry and the almighty dollar , evidently they have no conscious or are more fearful of losing their job than their reputation .

It's group think and submissive authoritarianism. The profession is so siloed and so much to learn in each silo that they're taught to accept the word of an expert in another silo without any factual evidence or logic to back up what the expert says.
In the last 15 years or so, I've had a hernia repair, pulmonary embolism probably triggered by pneumonia, a fast growing sinus cancer, heart attack and intestinal polyps, all treated successfully by the Mayo Clinic, which is 5 miles from my house. I'm in awe of their skills. Unfortunately, my internist did not give me a straight answer when I asked him whether or not they would prescribe either HCQ or Ivermectin should I contract Covid-19. That has shaken my confidence in them. In addition to 4000 IUs of vitamin D3, I'm taking 3-4000 mg vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and selenium daily. I believe that will protect me, but I'm going to search for a doctor who will prescribe Ivermectin as a precautionary measure.

It is not how much vit D one takes daily but what blood level of vitamin D do0es the dosage achieve. Dr. Tom Frieden who headed the CDC during the Obama administration advocated attaining a blood level of 50 ng/ml though his post has since been taken down. sent out an email in which they reported on a study that had found that a level of 55 ng/ml (very close to Dr. Frieden's recommendation) cut possibility of becoming infected by 53%, shortened and lessened illness, reduced infectivity of individual, and cut possibility of dying to one seventh of having a level below 20 ng/ml. They also offer a vit D calculator so that an individual can determine how much to take every day. Vit D is the only supplement needed if one eats a nutritious whole food diet and avoids empty calories. Stress, sleep, and exercise also play a big role the health of ones immune system.

TTAV (The Truth About VAccines)

Vaccines Revealed: Covid Edition


Plandemic, Part 2

If you watch Dr Tenpenny talk about these, they do damage the lungs.

[…]I’m wondering if these vaccines can cause a blood clot in the lungs. I’m an RN case manager and had a client go to the ER 2 1/2 days after being vaccinated with his 2nd Pfizer vaccine. Originally the hospital thought he had pneumonia, but after doing further test he was diagnosed with a PE. He hasn’t had any procedures, surgery’s or anything done. He’s not taking any medications either. I find it odd that he had this diagnosed 2–1/2 days after his 2nd shot. Makes me wonder

[…] Let's start of with two very true and verifiable statements : 1) Its easier to kill a million people than it is to control them . 2) we can thru vacancies de-populate ; We know that this vaccine has already killed a minimum of 1200 , the vaccine is not really a vaccine its genetically modified cells and is synthetic , they have said you still must wear masks & social distance and it doesn't prevent you from Any virus it doesn't stop you from spreading any virus , ; witch brings me back to # 1 & # 2 . They already told you straight out what their plan is so why would anyone with a shred of common sense take something that is being promoted & produced by the very people who made statements #1 & #2 . These people don't like you , they deplore you and as they stated to get rid of you ! They know that the only way they can lose is when the masses rise up which is why they are now implementing steps #1 & #2 and the people who are left will be there slaves ; Don't take any vaccine don't let yourself become part of their plan . 

Ask yourself why are the rushing and coercing people to take this injection especially when cases have dropped by over 70 % . Why are they pushing to inject kids who are virtually untouched by the so called virus . People I beg you to not take this injection until we see within the next 18 months the ramifications of these injections ; Better to be safe than sorry 

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