02 November 2009

Arab Media Manipulation

“One need not destroy one's enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. “ Sun Tzu*

I am moved to comment on an excellent article

(in part):

Dr Alex Grobman : The Arabs carry on a continuous "war of nerves", cleverly using the press, UN and Western gullibility --or seminal Anti-Semitism--to isolate Israel and weaken it from psychologically from within and without. Here's how:

“The recent Arab riots on the Temple Mount and inside Jerusalem’s Old City, the Goldstone Report, academic and economic boycotts, etc. are part of the familiar ongoing war against Israel.

"The Arabs employ a number of psychological techniques to demoralize Israelis in order to convince them that their county has usurped Arab lands, is unjust and morally bankrupt. Their ultimate objective is for Israel to be internationally vilified, isolated and ultimately for it to cease to exist.

"It behooves us to study their techniques so as better to counter them. In this “war of nerves,” the Arabs borrow from revolutionaries including Carlos Marighella, a leader of the Brazilian guerrilla organization ALN. Marighella urged his followers to use the mass media, foreign embassies, the U.N., international commissions, and Vatican representatives to spread their lies and false rumors in order to discredit the government. Acts of terror, assassination, sabotage and kidnappings further create an environment of uncertainty, anxiety and apprehension.

"During the first Intifada (December 1987 to October 1991), the Arabs manipulated the international press by placing individuals affiliated with the PLO and other Islamic political groups into their media bureaus. Rather than hide these connections, the Arabs used them to enhance their attraction to their employers.

Semantics is another weapon used against Israel. Instead of describing insurrections as riots, the Arabs call them demonstrations.

Contrived shootings, protests, arrests for the Western media is another technique Arabs use. Arabs instructed the journalists when and where to stand in order to get the best shot.

“Pallywood” is a term coined to describe pernicious productions staged by Palestinians in front of (and often with cooperation from) ... camera crews.

The eagerness with which the media seize upon anything negative about Israel, and the reluctance with which they reveal anything negative about the Palestinians, have radically skewed the world's view of what's going on here.”

"In Rhetoric, Aristotle claimed that 'Men have a sufficient natural instinct for what is true, and usually do arrive at the truth.' When it comes to the Arabs, many in the West and Israel have yet to use that natural instinct."

* * *

A silent complicity is under way by the ‘friend of Israel’ (a phrase wearing thin) in their delegitimizing their own descendants of the settlers and settlements that made America one of the greatest Nations on the Earth, founded on the principles of freedom to worship and freedom to live in peace. And this same myopic perspective is projected to delegitimizing the settlers and settlements of the Children of Hashem, who want nothing more than to live in peace in their God-given Homeland.

On the scene comes another generation of Nimrod*, a group of united nations in a world momentum to turn everything into a socialist network with slaves to the organizing powers, a movement that has been in the making for many years, from out of the jealousies of Freedom Lovers and Wholesome People Who Believe in God. Just like the original Tower of Babel, this is a war against God.

Who could be so foolish to overestimate their egotistical ambitions and underestimate their Opposition.

However, Islam is going to get in the way of their deceitfulness and then we will witness Edom and Eisav fight it out to the bitter end …

or will it be the beginning for the remnant of the chosen ones.

*Genesis: Who was Amrafel (אמרפל)? Rashi says Amrafel was actually Nimrod, who said (אמר) to Avram: Fall (פול) into the fiery furnace [אמר and אמרפל = פול]. "...He started to be a rebel [against God] in the land. He was a powerful trapper [of people's minds, turning them] against God. Therefore, it is said [about rebellious people that they are] 'like Nimrod, a powerful trapper against God'" [Bereshis 14:1]

*Sun Tzu, The Art of War. The book is not only popular among military theorists, but it has also become increasingly popular among political leaders and those in business management. Despite its title, The Art of War addresses strategy in a broad fashion, touching upon public administration and planning. The text outlines theories of battle but also advocates diplomacy and cultivating relationships with other nations as essential to the health of a state. {Wikipedia]

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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