25 November 2009

A Vicarious Walking Tour

of where the Chief Rabbinate of Israel forbids a Jew to go.

The tour focuses on the present structures, but does not deny the previous existence of the two Jewish Temples. It begins with a 5 minute intro which you can skip (as I did), and then goes on to 32...360-degree panoramic views, which you can virtually walk left and right to get a greater perspective. But, if you click on the 'wide view' view, your eyes will expand likewise.

If you wish, you can skip the audio for each picture, and read the written text under the pictures, or just enjoy the pictoral views.


After that tour, if you live in or are visiting Israel, contact The Temple Institute for a guided Jewish Tour of permissible areas of the Second Temple; depicted on that page are those areas relevant and important to Jews.


I have always wanted to see a map of the Silk Route, the ancient trail that the ancient Jews traveled in their commerce of spices, perfumes, and other items.

And it is perhaps along these same pathways that many from the Ten Tribes traveled in search of a place to settle after being scattered from Eretz Yisrael.

Well, if you click on the "about us" on the page of the 'Virtual Tour' on the right side of the page is a listing for "Traveling the Silk Roads", and when you click on this a beautiful map appears, for those who may be interested like me.

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Tisha B'Av 30 July 2007

The Temple Institute began work on the sacrificial altar Thursday, Tisha B’av, the day the Second Temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago.

Building of the 3rd temple is problematic. Any attempts to do so will trigger war with the Muslims. The Muslim Dome of the Rock is on the temple mount. Some say that the exact site of the temple is not at the Dome of the Rock but just 330 feet to the north of it (The Northern Conjecture, Three Theories on the location of the temple). So building the 3rd temple will in no way violate the space of the Dome of the Rock. I am highly skeptical that the Muslims will allow the construction of the 3rd temple so close to their beloved Dome of the Rock. The coming larger middle east war will likely see this temple mount issue resolved.

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