08 November 2009

Schizophrenia or

... Defending a People and Making a
Kiddush Hashem

Two States Now!

Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who failed to find a solution to actualize an agreement with the PA as prime minister, is now suggesting a new formula, the immediate declaration of the State of Palestine, leaving the “core issues” to be worked out at a later date, after the fact. ... Barak stated that at first, the PA state would be declared, without defining its exact borders, but with an assurance that within a maximum of two years, all remaining core issues must be resolved. This would include the status of Yerushalayim, borders, security and refugees.[...]

Sovereignty Now!

Annexing Judea and Samaria the only viable road map to peace, stability …

Moshe Dann

It's time to end the confusion and ambiguity over what rightfully belongs to the Jewish people. This is not a matter to be decided by the US, EU, or UN. Or is it?

Demanding that Israel stop all construction in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem implies it's all "illegally occupied." But, then, to whom does it belong? What are Israel's legal and historic claims? Jewish reverence for Jerusalem is special because it is the spiritual center of the Jewish people; but Jews have no less affection for and identity with hundreds of historic places throughout Judea and Samaria. The Land of Israel isn't an amusement park of sentimentality, or Hollywood of memories and museums. It is at the core of Jewish consciousness. Sacrificing some communities in order to save others, amputating hilltops and settlements to assuage Arabs and the international community only encourages more radical demands and undermines Israel's raison d’être. [...]

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Palestine said...
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Guest Post: “ The Unspoken Wounds:”

  The Unspoken Wounds: Confronting a Painful Past and the Path to Healing within Israel By confronting the unspoken wounds of the past with ...