16 November 2009

Soul Smell

"And he shall smell with the awe of God"

“‘And he shall smell with the awe of God’—’he shall judge by smell’ (rather than by sight or hearing. Isaiah 11:3; Sanhedrin 93b). By his sense of smell (his ‘holy spirit’) the Mashiach will know how to connect each Jewish soul to its Divine root, and thereby identify its tribe (branch) in Israel.”

"The sense of smell is the most spiritual of all senses. The Hebrew word for "smell" (רֵיחַ) is cognate to the word for "spirit" (רוּחַ).

The sages teach us that smell is the one and only sense that "the soul enjoys and not the body." As noted, in Hebrew, "soul" is a permutation of Menasheh. The sense of smell is the only sense (of the five senses) that did not participate, and thereby was not blemished or polluted, in the primordial sin of man in the Garden of Eden.

It is the sense which saved the Jewish people in the time of Mordechai and Esther, who are called Mor veHadas ("myrrh and myrtle," the two primary sources of fragrance)." Authentic Kabbalah, Chassidus

Israeli Study explains how smells conjure strong memories.

Weizmann Institute scientists say bad odors make biggest first impression, but early pleasant scents also make imprint on brain. [….]

"We found that the first pairing or association between an object and a smell had a distinct signature in the brain," even in adults, Yaara Yeshurun of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, whose study appears in the journal Current Biology, said in a statement.

"This 'etching' of initial odor memories in the brain was equal for good and bad smells, yet was unique to odor."

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