"And it came to pass after these things,
that G-d tested Avraham"
(Genesis 22:1)
One aspect that surfaces from the Parsha (Vayeira) this last Shabbos, is how Avraham Avinu successfully passed the Ten Tests that Hashem tested him with. You may have noticed that Parshas Lech Lecha (the previous week's sedra) and Parshas Vayeira are very similar in certain aspects: Pharoah and Avimelech; Leave your country/family and Leaving Eretz Canaan from a Famine; Sarah Imeinu being wrongly abducted and then released with gifts from foreign Kings. The one dividing moment between the two was Avraham's Bris Milah. After which the Final Test was the Akeida (the binding of Isaac).
These tests were important, and they created the defining moment in the History of the Jews.
The same is true today. Hashem is continually testing all of us. Each time an "obstacle" rises up to confound your plans, or prevents you from fulfilling some action - this "obstacle" demands your attention. This is a test that your "neshoma" must deal with and not one to ignore and hope it will go away.
I believe the entire world is being tested now, and your success is determined by how you deal with those challenges, obstacles, barriers that surprise you.
People that believe in G-d and are sincere in their moral outlook are also keen to what is happening in the world. The following article is written by a non-Jew, Nathan White from Atlanta, Georgia, on the subject of Globalization and the Tower of Babel, which appears on his blog.
I think it is worth reading and present it here, with minor editing [in brackets]:
The Tower of Babel
We’re all familiar with the story of the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11. Essentially, the whole earth had one language, and all the world’s population had migrated to the same location. The whole world then joined together to build a great city, and had aspirations of building a tower that reached the heavens. Not much detail is given in regards to what exactly their great sin was, but [G-d] came down and confused their language, so that they no longer understood each other, thus the people of the city of Babel were dispersed throughout the earth.
Though the text isn’t explicit in regards to their sin other than God saying “this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” (Gen 11:6), the greater theological implications of the story are many. I do not intend to explore the implications today, but I would like to consider the concept of globalization in regards to this narrative.
I first studied cultural globalization in an anthropology course I took last year at Kennesaw State University. It was a topic that I found very interesting. According to Wikipedia, Globalization “can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together.”
Related to this globalization is acculturation, which is “the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.” Essentially, this is when one culture adopts the traits of another culture because of their exposure to it. Westernization, for example, is one clear form of this, as the western way of living –things like industry, technology, law, politics, economics, lifestyle, diet, language– spread from America and Europe into Eastern societies.
Globalization and the Tower of Babel
I think it is safe to say that human depravity and it’s outward manifestation of evil flourishes most in large cities, in the larger concentrations of population. This isn’t the case every time without exception, but with the concentration of a large population in one location, the influence and opportunity for evil is greatly multiplied. Add to this the prosperity provided by living in [a] location where work is plentiful, and there is soon little to restrain any and all outward manifestations of [a] sinful nature.
I think one aspect of the sin of the city of Babel was the fact that they were determined to all live in [one] location; one giant city, with one common culture. Forming one such culture, while rejecting the command to ‘be fruitful and multiply (spreading the knowledge and worship of G-d), would lead to such an abundant of sinfulness, that ‘nothing that they propose (sinfully) will be impossible’.
The City of Babel = The City of this World
If you haven’t noticed, in our day, the world is rapidly unifying in culture. One thing emphasized in the textbook that I studied was the unfortunate downside of all our technological advances in this day. It is unfortunate because pretty soon, anthropology, the study of social customs and human behavior, will will no longer have much to study given that we’re all becoming exactly alike! There won’t be any primitive tribes and their customs, or relatively unknown clans and their unique preferences of food; the entire world will be the same all over, and pretty soon we’ll find no group of people living out of reach of a local McDonalds.
This globalization started on a large scale with worldwide mail and the telephone, where we could almost instantly communicate with others all the way across the globe. Next it was air-travel, opening up global travel in a way like never before. Now, with the internet and 24hr news stations, we are experiencing a globalization at a growth rate unprecedented in all of human history (except, maybe, in the case of Babel). To put it simply: there is a breaking down of cultural distinct[ions], and we are rapidly moving toward a one-world, one-city, largely one culture society. We are becoming, quite frankly, a modern-day, worldwide, Tower of Babel.
[...] Simply put, I think the western influence on culture is largely a good thing. There are many aspects of globalization that are very good.... But, what I fear, and what I thought about while watching this video, is how this movement toward one-culture (notice that China will soon become the number [one] English speaking country in the world) will indeed multiply sin and the opportunity of sin on the earth. With the growth of the population, and the spread of information made possible by the internet and other media, there will be no shelter from all forms of wickedness for even the most remotest of people on the earth. Indeed, though the internet has been a great means of spreading [good], the accessibility of evil it has provided is enough to make any [person, parent] shudder.
Indeed, one unfortunate downside to our technology is the fact that “this is only the beginning of what WE will do. And nothing that WE propose to do will now be impossible“.
Was the Tower of Babel a Nuclear Powered Spaceship?
"And it came to pass when they traveled from the east, that they found a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there." (Gen. 11:2)
[...] Acording to Rabbi Eliezer Ben David ... they did not find a valley, a Bik'a; but rather they found a Bik'ia... The Hebrew word Bik'ia also means nuclear fission. Both the Torah text and our Sages commentaries seem to imply that the ancient technology ... later discovered by the Builders of Babel was nothing other than the secrets of nuclear technology... this might not be so wild and unnbelievable as we might initially think." Read on here
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一人暮らし寂しいよ~(泣)誰かお家遊びにきてくれないかなぁ?休みの日とかも全然予定ありません。料理作るの得意だから来てくれたら食べてほしいな♪見た目は悪くないと思うから安心してください!(笑)細かい事は気にしないけど18歳未満の人は微妙かな、気軽に仲良くしてください milky-yukinko@docomo.ne.jp
人妻だけどセフレ募集しちゃいます!こんな女嫌かなぁ?新しい刺激欲しいし旦那以外の男性としてみたいな。エッチのテクはそれなりに自信あるよ、フェラとか上手いってよく褒められます。年上は何歳まででもOKだけど年下は18歳までが限界かな、楽しみたい人いたら気軽によろしくね♪ enjoy-smile.of.happiness@docomo.ne.jp
セフレ専門出会い喫茶エンジョイラブは店舗型出会い喫茶 ENJOYグループのネット1号店としてオープンしました♪セフレ探しを目的とした出会いの専門店です。Hに満足していない女性達が多数登録。今すぐ即アポOK表示のHな女の子を新着順で紹介中です
熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度当サイトをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください
初めての書き込みでちょっぴり緊張してます、男の人と出会うきっかけがなくて!こう言う場をかりてみるのもひとつのきっかけですよね。周りの友達は彼氏とラブラブの毎日、あたしもラブラブな毎日を過ごしたい、21歳の恥ずかしがり屋なんで、年上で引っ張ってくれる人がいいです。メールしてくれたら返事は確実だよ♪ワクワクしながらメール待ってます love.love.happy-@docomo.ne.jp
彼氏いない歴2年半になろうとしてます、なかなか相性の合う人と出会えず、好意をよせてくれる人もいたけどダメだった。 一緒にいて楽しくて落ち着く人と、仲良くなって恋愛したい!!甘えさせてくれる人がいいから、年下の人は私には向いてません。よろしくね!ruri11.ko9@docomo.ne.jp
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よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*) h-13-i-12@docomo.ne.jp
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人 u-3-ummm52@docomo.ne.jp
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