30 October 2009

Shabbat Shalom - Parshas Lech Lecha

Shabbat Shalom
Parshas Lech Lecha

"God said to Abram ... Go forth for yourself from your country”… “and from your birthplace” … “to the Land which I will show you” …”I shall make a great nation out of you” … “I shall bless those who bless you” … ”and all the families of the world will receive a blessing thanks to you.”

The Torah lists the departures according to the pain of leave-taking involved. It is less painful to leave one’s country than to leave one’s birthplace, and it is even more painful to leave one’s family. [Parshas Lech Lecha, Or HaChayim]

This is your home, for all Jews, ALL JEWS, wherever you are in your relationship with Hashem, it was/is/will be God given in accordance with the Holy Torah.

It's the first Rashi in the Torah, and Rashi means to tell us NOT TO BE TIMID, BE PROUD OF OUR YERUSHA, STAND UP AND BE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT IT IS YOUR HOME. The World is waiting for this collective pronouncement of the State of Israel and of the People of Yisrael:

Rashi on “In the Beginning…”

It was not necessary to begin the Torah from “This month shall be unto you” since this is the first mitzvah that Israel was commanded (to observe). And what is the reason that it begins with Genesis? Because of “the power of his works” He hath declared to His people in giving them the heritage of the nations.” (Tehillim 111.6)

For if the nations of the world should say to Israel:

“You are robbers, because you have siezed by force the lands of the seven nations” (Canaan) they could say to them, “The entire world belongs to the Holy One, Blessed Be He, He created it and gave it to whomever it was right in his eyes. Of His own will He gave it to them and of His own will He took it from them and gave it to us.” (Yalkut, Ex 12.2)

It is no COINCIDENCE that the United States of America is now fighting for its sovereignty, for its Constitution and for its Bill of Rights and its Declaration of Independence. The nation of America which has been deemed a Nation of Chessed is now under seige by government forces that want to reverse the statutes, mores, laws, and the goodness that created this once great nation. The world is jealous and waiting for America to dissolve as a Nation of Chessed because at one time it represented it's allegiance to God. The one way to bring down a country is to bring it down into immorality. All that is dissolving before our very eyes. America was created to escape tyranny and allow for the freedom of religion for all its citizens. This is all in jeopardy.

A message to the Jews of America, come to your true Home, to the True People of Chessed and the True Nation of Chessed ... in the making ... the True People with historical and unswerving allegiance to the God of the Jewish People, the World, and the Universe.

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