08 July 2009

Stranger Than Fiction

I feel a sense of foreboding about this report:

VP Biden said :
The U.S. Will Not Dictate to Israel How To Deal With Iran, It's Their Own Choice

"Israel can determine for itself — it's a sovereign nation — what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else," Biden told ABC's "This Week" in an interview broadcast Sunday.

"Whether we agree or not. They're entitled to do that. Any sovereign nation is entitled to do that. But there is no pressure from any nation that's going to alter our behavior as to how to proceed." So said VP Biden

  • Does this mean the US Government has changed its mind?
  • Does this mean that the US recognizes the sovereignty of Eretz Yisrael?
  • Does this mean that this is official policy?
Does this mean that Netanyahu has traded the 2-State Solution for "no not US" and "we'll look the other way - Saudi" support to strike Persia?

  • Is this what FM Barak was negotiating during his whirlwind country hopping this past week?
  • And does this mean that the "look the other way" approach of the Saudis is a result of an agreement between Netanyahu and Obama toward a 2-state solution?
* * * * *

In A Time of Terrible Distress at Redemption 5768, Joel Gallis and Dr. Robert Wolf wrote:

The atbash gematria of עת צרה is 106, the same value as the letter נ nun, spelled out נון. No verse in the Ashrei prayer (Psalm 145) begins with the letter נ nun. There are 21 verses in this psalm and each verse (in order) begins with the remaining 21 letters of the Hebrew aleph bet. This is because in the verse that speaks of G-d supporting the fallen, the letter נ can be taken as an allusion to the word נפילה, Israel's future downfall, G-d forbid. King David refused to use a letter to begin a verse that could suggest such tragedy. But knowing that downfalls must take place as they have throughout our history, King David comforted Israel with the verse that begins with the letter ס samech (the letter that follows the nun in the Hebrew alphabet). The full verse beginning with the samech states "Hashem supports all the fallen ones and straightens all those who are bent." With this verse, King David made a guarantee to the Jewish People that even when a dreaded downfall occurs, the people can count on Hashem's support.

Today, the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahou בּנימיןנתניהו, has not one, but 4 nuns in his name, representing the 4 exiles of the Jewish People. We have gone from one exile to another, falling down and then being lifted up by Hashem.

* * * * *

But President Hussein (or “O Abu Hussein! as Saudi Preacher Aidh Al-Qarni Praises, You Are a Thousand Times Welcome”), was quick to reply: U.S. has 'absolutely not' given OK for Israeli strike on Iran ............. but ( as VP Biden suggested) the U.S. would stand aside if Israel wanted to launch an attack.

[notice the same language and intent between the President's retort and the Saudi's response ... his public statements are measured closely with the Saudi agenda]

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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