13 July 2009


"There is much speculation about the possibility that the current year 5769 will see the arrival of Mashiah. The late Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Elya Svei zs'l, made this prediction with tears pouring from his eyes during a eulogy he delivered at the funeral of Rav Leib Bochts zs'l [perhaps it was Bakst] in the Mir Yeshiva (Flatbush). He combined two different sources and concludes with the year 2009 as the final year."

"He cited a comment of the Vilna Gaon that the hevle Mashiah, the suffering that will precede Mashiah's arrival, will span a period of 70 years. He also mentioned that Rav Elchanan Wasserman, the illustrious disciple of the Hafess Haim, pointed out the onset of WW II in 1939 as the beginning of the period of hevle Mashiah. Thus, Rav Elya concluded, Mashiah must arrive 70 years later - in 2009."

As Rabbi C. E. Aboud further says, "The Rosh Yeshiva most likely meant that 2009 is an et rasson, an opportune time for Mashiah, and it is up to us to take advantage of this opportunity and make 5769 the year of our final redemption."

by Rabbi Eliyahu Haim Aboud


Eli Duker said...

Reb Elya was a Litvack who hated messianism, and had Alzheimers and the end of his life. I find in grossly unfair to quote these things

Neshama said...

Many people knew the Rosh Yeshiva, and this is not an isolated quote. You do him an injustice in your saying.

I would not contribute this statement and others to his Alheimers.

Neshama said...

This statement was made at the Levaya of Rav Leib Bakst in 2004. Sometimes when you realize in your more saner moments that one does not live forever there may well up an urgency to say things held long and dear. Such as Yaakov Avinu. Further, Rav Wasserman himself wrote that there is no specific amount of time alloted for hevle Mashiah - as opposed to the 70 year period predicted by the VILNA GAON.

Delving into Gemora, Midrashim, and the Zohar is not Messianic, or is it! Waiting and hoping fervently for our Mashiach's arrival is something we do every day, it is part of our Mesorah and the Great Assembly thought it important enough to include it in our DAILY prayers. So, I don't think this is Litvackish, Yeshivish, Chassidish, Hareidish or Orthodoxish ........... it's plain Torah for everyone.

We need to put aside those 'labels' that 'divide' and cause hatred. We are all Jews on the road anticipating Mashiach's arrival.

Have you a packed suitcase?

yaak said...

Neshama, have you seen this post of mine?

Not Brisk said...

He publically repeated '2009' after he wasn't with his full capacities

Neshama said...

Thanks Yaak
No, I didn't see your post.

It seems that the 70 years are not consecutive. After the scuds there was a change in Am Yisrael, and during and after Gaza likewise, and also in the attack on the northern communities. There may be other 'special times' to add to this; so we really have no idea when the 70 years will add up.

PS "Not Brisk": Rav Yizhak Zev Soloveitchik (the Brisker Rav), along with the Chofetz Chaim viewed the Balfour Dec. and the UN Mandate as "being first stirrings of redemption and felt that Mashiach's arrival was imminent." Also from Rabbi Aboud.

Anonymous said...
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Snag said...
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Neshama said...

Snag: No. If you believe the all powerful and all knowing, you would realize that anything can change in an instant.

Anonymous: I included the name of Rabbi Yehoshua Haim Aboud, who wrote this, however there was no footnote to that particular sentence. But here are ALL the footnotes to the article:

Sanhedrin 99a
Rashi, Beresheet 49:1
Even Shelemah 11:9
Rokeah on Kohelet 8:17
See 7:25, 8:14 and Ch 12.
Ibn Ezra, Daniel 8:25, 11:31
Sanhedrin 97b and Masechet Derech Eress, Ch 11
Osserot Ahatrit Hayamim, Ch 3
Osserot Aharit Hayamin Ch 15
Ramban, Sefer Hageulah, Part 4
Rashi, Daniel 7:25
Daniel 11:35 (see commentaries)
Maharal, Nessah Yisrael, Ch 45, and Kets Hapelaot by Rabbi Chaim Yeshayah Halbersberg, Ch 4
Sefer Hageula, section 4
Malbim Daniel 11:35
Maharal, Nessah Yisrael, ch 27
Rabbi ____ Baumenger, Meshihe Hasheker Umitnagdehem pp 39-43
Even Shelemah 11:5 (footnotes)
Bait Hashoaiva (intro)
Rabbi Yosef Rubinstien, U’ba Lession Goel, p 26
Even Shelemah 11:9
Rabbi Avraham Amsel, U’ba Lession Goel (the entire book was written to develop this point).
23: U’ba Lession Goel pp 56-63, and Meshihe Hasheker Umitnagdehem pp 621-639
Chomat Hada’at, ch 13

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