23 April 2009

What is Really Going On!

I hope everyone reads this and pays attention to what is actually going on. There is a manipulation of "who said what" and "when" and "to whom" that is part of a psychological and diabolical plot to bring Israel down.

This is 'information warfare' so have this in mind whenever you read anything on the status and security of Eretz HaKodesh. Hashem will bring Gog to the Land only to be brought down.

"Beware … Malicious Intelligence. An unnamed former highly-placed U.S.intelligence official has broken silence and says that America may soon be abandoning Israel in favor of the Arabs..."

This is just the beginning”....The source made these remarks in an exclusive interview: […] “based on an interview with a former, highly-placed U.S. intelligence official who breaks his silence ...

"Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.” […]

The game is rigged 
At the highest levels of power in the U.S. and even by some in power in Israel, the game is rigged,” he emphasized. 

Please listen here or here or read here These interviews were on Israel National Radio’s Weekend Edition with Tamar Yonah.

And I add Homeland Insecurity Part II: Financial Inevitabilities to the reading list

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