27 April 2009

Caution: Swine Flu Traveling the Globe

This week's parsha as you know is Tazriah-Metzorah

April 26, 2009
Americans told to wear masks as swine flu spreads round globe

Should we be worried about the outbreak of swine influenza?

There's no need to be worried at this stage as no case of swine flu has yet been confirmed in Europe. But the World Health Organisation says this outbreak has "pandemic potential" and countries have been advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly.

More than 80 people are reported to have died and thousands made ill in Mexico, with further cases reported in the US and New Zealand. Flu viruses have the ability to change and mutate, making it difficult for drugs manufacturers to ensure effective vaccines are available.

However, testing has shown that the antiviral drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) appear to be effective against the human swine influenza H1N1 strain.

What is swine flu, and how do humans catch it?

Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type A influenza virus. While people are not normally affected, those who have close contact with pigs can contract the virus.

It is also possible for the constantly changing infection to spread from person to person, which has happened in the latest outbreak. Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu — through touching infected individuals or surfaces, coughing and sneezing. This is why the Mexican government has ordered many bars and restaurants to close, and banned handshaking.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.

What is the difference between swine flu, 
avian flu and the flu commonly seen 
during the winter?

Seasonal influenza is caused by viruses that are adapted to spread in humans. Humans have some natural immunity to the strains that are in common circulation, and this immunity can be boosted by immunisation with a vaccine.

Avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in birds. Similarly, swine influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in pigs. Big problems can arise when human and animal flu viruses mix and mutate into new organisms that can spread through a human population which has no immunity to it.

The fact that most of the Mexican dead were aged between 25 and 45 rather than being elderly or very young is seen as a worrying sign. The first victims of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 were also healthy young adults.

When does an outbreak become a pandemic?

In contrast to the typical seasonal flu outbreaks which we see every winter in the UK, pandemics are global events and occur infrequently - usually every few decades. There were three last century. The most serious was the so-called "Spanish flu" of 1918, which caused up to 40 million deaths worldwide.

Smaller pandemics happened in 1957 and 1968, known as "Asian" and "Hong Kong" flu respectively, claiming up to 4 million lives between them. Intervals between previous pandemics have varied with no recognisable pattern, but due to the regular emergence of new flu strains in birds, humans and now pigs, some experts suggest that another one is "due". The Director-General of the World Health Organization is the decision-maker in terms of declaring an influenza pandemic and elevating the global stages of pandemic alert.


[NOTE: If I were you, please monitor your family members closely, avoid mixed crowds, don't eat out, fortify your body by taking large doses of ascorbic acid (powdered form), avoid doorknobs, and all outside surfaces as is reasonable, definitely avoid someone who is ill, contact your doctor should you develop any similar symptoms, and of course, say Tehillim, speak to Hashem, and eat wisely, and drink plenty of fluids (preferably water).]


William Dwek said...

The Swine Flu is common in PIGS.

This is a clear indication that it is the Dayanim (“Judges”) and “Rabbis” of today who are the PIGS and swines.

They twist and use the Torah for their own power and commercial benefit.

They are corrupt. And they are interested in only one thing:


Not the Torah.

William Dwek said...

When “dayanim” and “rabbis” use the Torah for their own power and commercial profit, this is the behaviour of a swine i.e. a Pig.

No other “rabbi” will ever act against another “rabbi” - even when he knows his colleague is clearly desecrating the Torah. Each rabbi is only worried about losing his own position.

Therefore, the “rabbi” and “dayan” will never effect justice. And he will never truly stand for the Torah or the Honour of Hashem. His pocket will always prevail.

The Torah must never be used for commercial gain and profit. Am Yisrael can only be lead by those who have the necessary love and respect of Hashem and the Torah.

William Dwek said...

1. The “dayan” and “rabbi” may use lies. They turn the innocent into the guilty, and the guilty, become the innocent. They will not hesitate to tell lies in the Synagogue.

2. The “dayan” and “rabbi” may steal. They steal and siphon off money for themselves, from the community and individuals.

3. The “dayan” and “rabbi” may commit murder. They may shame a fellow Jew in public, even repeatedly. This is one of the most vile acts of murder in Jewish law – and they know this.

4. The “dayan” and “rabbi” will not hesitate to use Lashon Hara (the “Evil Tongue”) to suit his own ends. Slander and gossip. This too, is one of the worst acts of murder in Jewish Law. Their slander is never challenged by the community, because they hold positions of power. And the slander may begin with the Rebbetzin herself.

5. The “dayanim” and “rabbis” worship idols and other gods. Their only god is Money. Especially the “Dayanim” – the “Judges” who sit on a Beit Din. They only care about their high incomes and retirement packages. They have little or no love for the Torah or Hashem.

In the case of Lubavitch/Chabad, all their rabbis are carrying out a form of Avodah Zarah – strange worship. They are using mediation and intercession. This is completely forbidden, and against the Torah. We are only to pray to Hashem, directly ourselves.

6. When the NAME of Hashem has been taken in Vain – repeatedly - by reshaim, the “rabbi” will turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the


This is the abhorrent behaviour of a Pig. This is an extremely severe and dangerous situation. There is NO forgiveness for this evil sin and aveirah.

7. The “dayan” and “rabbi” may also offer large bribes, tell lies and bring False Witnesses – when he in fact has committed the crime. These are heinous acts of the most despicable kind. This is especially vile when the “dayan” is sitting on a “Beit Din.”

8. The “rabbi” may commit adultery. And when he gets divorced, he may spread slander about his own ex-wife, blackening her name – when in fact he was at fault.

9. The “dayan” and “rabbi” may also desecrate Shabbat – if it suits him. He will use physical violence against another Jew or Jewess at any time. This evil and venomous behaviour is 100% against the Torah.

10. The “dayanim” and “rabbis” have also carried out evil acts of kidnapping and assault-but they do not go to prison. Charges are never brought against these criminals. Why not?

Eliyahoo William Dwek said...

Any man who chooses to be a ‘rabbi’ (‘true teacher’ of Torah) or a ‘dayan’ (‘judge’), or a ‘mekubal’ (‘kabbalist’) should be doing so Voluntarily. Out of his pure love for Hashem and the Torah. And his Ahavat Yisrael.

If he refuses to do community work voluntarily, and wants and accepts payment for everything he does, such a man should not be leading a community. He should get a job and earn a living. He can collect milk bottles or clean the windows. That is what is called ‘earning a living’.

Torah is learned, studied and taught: out of Love. Voluntarily. But the ‘rabbis’ have turned the Torah into their ‘Profession’, from which they earn money.

We are commanded in the Shema to:

‘LOVE Hashem, your G-d, WITH ALL YOUR HEART, and with all your soul and with all your might.’

‘VE’AHAVTA et Hashem Elokecha BECHOL LEVAVECHA uvechol nafshecha uvechol meodecha.’ (Devarim, Vaethanan, 6:4-5)

Is the ordinary man or woman PAID to pray to Hashem, or to say some words of Torah? No. Has veshalom! But the rabbis are. These men can give ‘lovely’ shiurim that they have rehearsed. But they would not give a shiur without being paid for it.

The true hachamim and rabbis of old, all actually worked at proper jobs and professions.

Wake up! Even a little child could have worked this out. These salaried men can never truly stand for the Torah, because in a case of conflict between a correct course of action according to the Torah, and the rabbi or rav’s pocket – his pocket and position will always prevail.

Pirkei Avot: (2:2)
“Raban Gamliel beno shel Rabi Yehuda HaNassi omer: yafeh talmud Torah im derech eretz, sheyegiat shenaihem mashkachat avon. Vechol Torah she’ein imah melacha sofa betailah ve’goreret avon. Vechol haoskim im hatzibbur yiheyu imahem leShem Shamayim……”

“Rabban Gamliel, the son of Rabi Yehuda HaNassi, said: It is good to combine Torah study with a worldly occupation, for working at them both drives sin from the mind. All Torah without an occupation will in the end fail and lead to sin. And let all who work for the community do so for the sake of Heaven………”

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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