06 April 2009

Virtual Yetzias Mitzrayim

This is an amazing video that gives a surreal glimpse of what possibly might have been when we were being brought out of slavery in Egypt to serve Hashem at Har Sinai.

Can we ever forget that time? Each and every Jew living today was present at Har Sinai to receive the laws that Moshe Rabbeinu brought down from the cloud of Hashem. At that time, we were "One people". 

These laws/mitzvos are our redemption nutrients. Think of it this way, we were saved from being slaves, a life not worth living, and only one thing was asked of us in return, to observe the laws that Moses brought to us. These laws should be seen as the oxygen we breathe, the reason for living, HaKoras HaTov (being grateful) to the One who saved us. We, as a people, have been fragmented ever since that time. Only under Shlomo HaMelech did we experience the nearest to unity. 

Perhaps we need to reflect what might have been onto the picture of what we have today. Do we really appreciate that we were released from the slavery of Egypt? Out from under the wicked Pharoah? Do we need another Pharoah to chase us into the desert? Is there nothing at all that we can agree on, to create an aura of unity? Then, maybe, Hashem would enable the Geula to finally manifest.

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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