14 February 2008

The Nes of Krias Yam Suf


There’s a very interesting Living Torah Museum in the heart of Brooklyn. This museum has a copy of all the amazing underwater filmfootage of wheels and axles at the exact location where Chazal tell us the crossing of the sea took place. Visitors to the Museum can request a screening of this film that lasts about 20 minutes as part of a museum tour.

A medical research scientist and professor at Karolinska Institute in Sweden lead a team of researchers who spent 20 years at Nuweiba Beach, searching the floor of the Red Sea for evidence. The deep waters of this sea are not affected by weather changes or storms so everything lying on the seabed remains intact.

One discovery that startled the scientific world is a completely intact gold/electrum chariot wheel of a royalchariot. This style of wheel dates to the 18th dynasty of Egypt, which lasted from 1400 to 1300 BCE.

We know that Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim in the year 2448 or 1313 BCE. Further confirmation of the dating of these chariot wheels is another fascinating Egyptian artifact – a wall in Egypt that depicts Pharaoh Ramses II, the king who reigned during the time of yetzias Mitzrayim, standing in a chariot with the same kind of wheel.

According to the haga’os of the Gra, the mechilta in Bo states that the distance from Ramses to Sukkos was 120 mil (about 100 miles). We also know from existing records in Egyptian hieroglyphics that Migdol was the name of an Egyptian military fortress that blocked any possibility of escape to the north.

The Egyptian government is not allowing these discoveries and their related artifacts to be moved or disturbed, to protect the coral covering them.

But at the LIVING TORAH MUSEUM you are given an up-close view of Biblical artifacts from the Torah, Mishna and Gemara. To visit, call 718.686.8174 for an appointment. I wish I could upload some very nice maps that accompanied the article. So you will just have to visit the Museum to see these wonders. Take the children to enliven their Passover experience.

(taken in part from a Hamodia article 12 Shevat 5767)

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