07 February 2008

Melting Economy and Tehillim Mizmor L'Todah

"As dollar weakens, manufacturers warn of 'economic disaster' "
  • jpost article

  • Tehillim 100 – Mizmor L’Sodah

    A psalm of thanksgiving, call out to Hashem everyone on earth.

    Serve Hashem with gladness, come before Him with joyous song.

    Know that Hashem, He is G.od, it is He Who made us and we are His, His people and the sheep of His pasture.

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise, give thanks to Him, Bless His Name.

    For Hashem is good, His kindness endures forever, and from generation to generation is His faithfulness.

    * * * * *

    Rav Yaakov Emden Z’tl, in his Siddur Bais Yaakov, as well as the
    Besomim Rosh (published in the Siddur Otsar Hatefillos), both write
    (based upon the Zohar and the Gemora in Niddah 31A) that ....

    While one is obligated to bring a Korban Todah ...,
    one should always express his thanks to Hashem for all
    forms of Nissim--miracles--that may happen to him.
    Indeed, they write, “There is no day that passes in which a miracle
    has not occurred--but the recipient of the miracle does not recognize it.”

    Morevever, Rav Emden adds, “...And especially we, scattered sheep
    among bears and wolves, are obligated to always thank Hashem” for
    the constant known and unknown miracles wrought on our behalf.

    [ from the always enlightening Hakhel Bulletin, 28 Shevat]

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