09 January 2024

THE WAR ON SETTLERS ONGOING …. while the men, reservists, are serving!

 Widespread Demolition of Jewish homes in Gush Etzion

Civil Administration forces demolished a number of buildings on homesteads near the town of Pnei Kedem in Gush Etzion on Tuesday morning. Six houses have been destroyed so far, including one with a family living in it.

[look, empty land, and we cannot build Jewish homes??]

The demolition was secured by significant forces of Border Police, whom the residents claim confiscated their phones to prevent them documenting the incident.

During the demolition, a closed military zone order was issued for the entire region, including the access road to Pnei Kedem. Residents who were on their way to work were blocked by police for lengthy periods of time, and were allowed to continue only after extensive questioning.

After approximately 2 hours, MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism), who lives in Pnei Kedem, passed through the area and convinced the officers to allow residents to travel the road freely.

The residents of the demolished house declared the demolition “a knife in the back of the settlement.” 

“We are still having trouble digesting what happened this morning. While many of the residents of the homesteads here are in reserve duty, and have been since the beginning of the war, the General of our region has decided to send hundreds of officers on an uninhibited crusade of destruction against the settlement while our best men are fighting on the front now and just this past night one of them was killed in action in Gaza. We have no words to describe this disgrace. 

How is the General not ashamed to commit such a crime as this?”

“Around us there are hundreds of illegal houses built by Arabs with a single goal - to create the infrastructure of a Palestinian state in this area. The General does not touch them, because his goal is the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, and the ones preventing the advancement of that dangerous vision of his are the Jewish homesteads on the front lines.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s office stated: “The demolition this morning was carried out against the directions of the Minister. Following the Minister's directions not to carry out any demolitions, the General elected to classify the incident as an urgent security incident and so circumvented the authority of the Minister to receive the approval of the Defense Minister.” 

Smotrich's office also noted that “The General does not see it as urgent to demolish the illegal Bedouin houses in the same area, nor to prevent Arab construction in eastern Gush Etzion, or indeed any of Judea and Samaria.”

“We are sorry that on such a painful morning, and during this period, while the IDF is at war, the General and Defense Minister have approved enforcement activities against settlers.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir commented: “On this painful morning, as we count our dead, as our soldiers are in Gaza and our nation is united, Minister Gallant is demolishing settlements. Instead of arresting and demolishing the illegal Palestinian takeover in this area, he has chosen to betray the settlers and soldiers. This is a continuation of the misconception and turns friends to enemies and enemies to friends.”


"The Torat Lehima organization rescinded to Gallant, saying: “Fuchs is playing you, just as those who refused to serve did, and just as all the officers of the misconception did, to bring you to be the one responsible for the October 7th massacre. You are a failed Defense Minister, and there is no point in criticizing a puppet, when it is clear to everyone what hand controls it. Resign.” 
"Journalist Yotam Zimri wrote: “It is a shame that you are wasting time tweeting instead of demolishing another house in Gush Etzion.”"
"Journalist Nati Kalish commented: “Commander Fuchs is not holy. He can be replaced. Don’t sanctify individuals. Sanctify goals. In the meantime, you have obviously failed. Where do you get the strength to demolish houses of reservists?” "



I can't believe this was classified as something urgent...okay they are illegal structures...just wait until after the war when it can be decided what to do with them, just like they wait forever to destroy illegal Arab buildings.

What is wrong with these people! moral wonder we are in such a mess!


Anonymous said...

'What is wrong with these people'? These are the Erev Rav within our midst. The higher echelons of the tzava do not work/care for Am Yisrael; they are the leftists who work for
outsiders - simple as that. It's always the darkest before the dawn and now we are in very
dark times - the dawn will be breaking soon with the coming of our true Goel Tzedek.
Hashem is hastening our Redemption. We pray it comes with great mercy.


Neshama said...

My readers should know the blantant Emmes that this govt. is two-faced and following an escripted education and brain-washing under Eisav. We true Jews think otherwise.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The PM allegedly ordered that there be no more demolitions until after the war. So, it is reported. But does anyone pay attention to him? Let's see.

Neshama said...

It’s the non jewish blatant anti jewish fox under the orders of the defense min that takes upon himself to take such actions. He must be replaced!!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

In this balagan government that rules over us, the Civil Administration is separate from the Defense Agency. They cling to their own fiefdom, which has been in place for decades. They can do whatever they want, and all they need is to invent some reason, as they did this time, going against the orders of Smotrich. All the people who live in Judea and Shomron live under the tyranny of the Civil Administration. Most people don't realize it. They are not protected by the laws of Medinat Israel, hence the ridiculously high number of administrative orders. Their electricity can be shut off at whim, which is often the case on erev Shabbat in places like Bat Ayin. All of this is because we have refused to expand to our true, God-given borders. All of this is because the medinat lacks emunah and bitachon in the One Above. All of this because the leaders of the medinat and the majority of Israelis (secular) worship everything but the One Above.

And farther North of us…..

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