15 January 2024

Screenshots That Say Something.....


"The Gemara (Yevamot 63a) tells us — “No misfortune comes upon the world except because of Israel.” Rashi explains that Hashem brings misfortune to frighten His people, and to warn them to improve, to do teshuva, to become better. They should think, “It could have happened to us!” Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to study the events of history and to see what connection they had with Israel.

"The Jewish Nation is not like the other nations of the world; it is a nation whose existence is only for the Torah. This idea was the message which Hashem gave to us just before the giving of the Torah (Shemos 19:6) — “And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a Holy Nation.”

 ......... do you see what I see? 
 ….. it is *telling us something! why is the US suffering so?

Ice Bomb over No America Jan 2024

this is the ice bomb over No America
this we know describes the April 8 '24 eclipse

These come from the video of MrMBB333


50 years after the Yom Kippur War almost to the day, 

was Shemini Atzeret and Simchas Torah of October 7

Q TO RABBI AVIGDOR MILLER ZT”L = Why did Hashem allow the Arabs to attack us on Yom Kippur?

Rabbi Levy is asking why Hashem allowed the Arabs to attack us on Yom Kippur. So I presume that there are two parts to this question. Why did Hashem allow them to attack us, and why did He allow them to attack us on Yom Kippur?

But first, I must make an ammendment to the question. The word “us” is not properly used. The Arabs didn’t attack “us.” The Arabs attacked the people in Eretz Yisroel.  And that’s important to note. Because there are people in Eretz Yisroel who for certain purposes wish to create the impression that the Arabs are attacking the whole Jewish nation. But this is not true. Not that the Arabs love us so much – not at all – but the Arabs had no intention of attempting to destroy, chalilah, the Jewish People, as was falsely stated recently in one Hebrew kol koireh. It said אמרו לכו ונכחידם מגוי ולא יזכר שם ישראל עוד. That’s what it said in the kol koireh and I don’t understand that at all. At all! The Arabs didn’t say that. If they wanted to destroy specifically the State of Israel we have to differentiate between their intentions. They didn’t want to destroy, chalilah, the Am Yisroel.

Now, why did Hashem permit it? Hakodosh Boruch Hu permits many things that we don’t like. […] 

And therefore it היוסר גוים הלא יוכיח – If He brings suffering upon the Nations, is He not showing something, המלמד אדם דעת – isn’t He teaching Man understanding? […]

the Gemara says, אין פורענויות בא לעולם אלא בשביל ישראל – No misfortune comes upon the world if not for the sake of Yisroel (Yevamos 63a). Do you hear that? All misfortunes are only for the sake of our people. Even what comes upon the nations of the world. And Rashi says, כדי ליראם, in order to put a fear into them so that they should do teshuva.

So if we would learn properly from the wars that the nations are undergoing then we could be spared those wars that hit closer to home. But when Hakodosh Boruch Hu sees that people don’t learn sufficiently, so what does He do? He brings the lessons closer to home.

And why did it happen on Yom Kippur? Because that is the day that they should have learned the most lessons. What day is more suited for teshuva? And therefore, when Hakodosh Boruch Hu sees that Yom Kippur is passing by and soon it will be over and it will be back to the old ways in Medinas Yisroel – the same things that they did last year after Yom Kippur and the year before that after Yom Kippur – so therefore this year He added a little more vitamins in order that the lessons should be more potent. The purpose of all suffering is for teshuva and suffering on Yom Kippur is surely for teshuva.

TAPE # 382 (December 1973) 

I omitted portions for brevity, but if you want to know what was omitted, please go here Rabbi Miller on the Yom Kippur War


*“The Hebrew word for eclipse is likui, or defect. The Talmud states that a likui of the sun is a bad sign for the world. More specifically, the Gemara states that the location in which the sun is seen in total eclipse is where folks especially need to worry. […] “A map of Monday’s eclipse pretty much draws a diagonal line right through the United States […]”

“For those interested in deeper study, events in the books of Joshua, Amos, and Jonah are often explained as having been accompanied by solar eclipses, and rabbinical scholars have even drawn upon science to date these eclipses with some specificity to the times when these events are thought to have taken place. For example, the prophet Jonah is said to have preached doom and gloom to the stubborn people of Nineveh on the very day of a solar eclipse in 763 BCE, which therefore accounts for the miracle of their mass repentance on that very day.”

ME:  America beware, your behavior toward the Jews in Eretz Yisrael is under the microscope of Hashem!


Gavriela Dvorah said...

And who is listening, I do wonder. I so appreciate the wise and "politically incorrect" words of Rav Miller. Only a few are willing to speak so frankly today. I've thought that perhaps the reason Hashem allowed this invasion and massacre to happen on Simchat Torah is because we frum Jews had no idea what was going on(unless you lived in the south). So, we went on with our usual dancing and singing, expressing profound simcha and love for HKBH. And that simcha somehow sweetened the din, even as it was being expressed. The tzeddeket Rabbinit Kook speaks all the time about the importance of simcha. It chases away the satan. It could have been much worse. Hamas never had the chance to reach all the yeshivot and shuls that they had in their plans.

Neshama said...

We, I, can only try reaching anyone who can spread further what I write.
That is, after shadow banning my blog.
Very much 👀👀going on.

Esser Agaroth said...

At first glance, I was a bit taken aback by Rabbi Miller's ztz"l comments. However, those of us living in Eretz Yisrael are increasing becoming Israel as a people. The number of those individuals identifying as Jews outside of Israel, who really aren't, is growning.

If the actual Jews outside of Israel do not leave for Israel soon, this number will skyrocket.

So, I wonder what Rabbi Miller say now, having this information.

In addition, calls by Hamas and Hezbollah for attacks on Jews around the world might also change his opinion.

Of course, we cannot say for sure. This is only speculation. But it should raise some eyebrows.

Neshama said...

Sorry, I should have added to the Rabbi's name zt"l
Much of what he said and wrote was for the Am Yisrael of his generation (which included experiences prior) BUT HAD FAR REACHING AFFECT ON AM YISRAEL and as it is with Gadolim, their words reach way into the future experiences of our Nation.
Did you read his quotes that i included in
Rabbi Winston also has much to say for our path into the Geulah. (also included)
You can also read his essays on


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