14 January 2024

FROM PESACH TO PESACH: The Korban Pesach of Mitzrayim and Unnatural Mixtures

Ancient Current Events [*Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l, Va'era, Unnatural Mixtures]

It was a family affair; the father and the grandfather and the wives 

and the sons and daughters they were all in one little house crowded

together – there were no Pesach hotels in Mitzrayim – and they were 

sitting and talking: What’s the news of the day? The current makkah

ªthe makkah that’s right now in vogue.

To us it’s old news but to them it was happening right now and 

therefore, it was the rage of the moment. It was exciting and so they 

talked and talked and talked. And they went into all the details. 

And we’re expected to do the same – that’s why it’s in the Torah, 

so that we should study it like they did.

After all, Hakadosh Baruch Hu doesn’t send events stam that are 

closed up, that are entirely mysterious. He puts into each event 

some kind of a clue to give us a hint as to why it came so 

that we should gain the full benefit.

And so, every makkah that came upon the Egyptians was planned 

with precision, so that its lessons would be understandable. 

What was the reason that this makkah came? And why did it come 

in such and such way? If you’ll study the medrashim, you will 

discover many lessons. And in some cases you can use your

own head and discover lessons yourself. [...]

October Seventh was a Korban Pesach, in spiritual terms

On the tenth day of Nissan, long before Pesach, you have to take it.  It means it had to be a public demonstration. It wasn’t hidden; everyone could see the Jew pulling the lamb through the street. So the Mitzri would ask, “Hey, where are you taking that?” And the Yisroel had to answer, “I’m bringing a zevach ¨a sacrifice.”“A what?! You’re going to slaughter a lamb?!”


Slaughtering Their Ideals

Not only the lamb; that’s just a symbol. In general, it’s a 

klal gadol that the Am Yisroel disregards the ideals of the 

umos ha’olam "It doesn’t mean you tell a goy to his face; 

you don’t have to insult him. But we can’t hide the truth 

that we are fundamentally different from the umos ha’olam"

The Real Plague

And that’s one of the most important lessons of Makkas Arov 

it came to tellus that a frum Jew doesn’t mix because mixing 

is the biggest problem for us

And that’s why the name of the makkah was Arov ªbecause that 

was the most important lesson. The ‘Mixture’, that’s the plague!

That’s what the Bnei Yisroel were thinking when they watched 

the wolf andthe lion and the crocodile and the bear marching 

into the villages. That unnatural mixtures are a tremendous danger! 

Hakadosh Baruch Hu was teaching them that הִבדְִיּלנָו מִן הַגוּיֹםִ

because He wants to הִבדְִיּלנָו מִן הַטּועִֹים. To keep as separate 

as we can from the umos ha’olam so that we should be separated 

from all of their mistakes. He made us different and He wants 

that we should dedicate our lives towards trying 

to answer this question: What is the true Torah way? 

What is the true Torah attitude? An attitude free of any adulteration, 

free from any admixture of ideas of the outside world.


What did the Korban Pesach in Mitzrayim accomplish? At that point in time the descendants of the children of Yaakov Avinu who had garnered the sheep to their bedposts, who then slaughtered the g-ds of the Egyptians. In doing so they severed their attachments to Pharoah and Mitzrayim and prepared for their redemption.

On October Eighth the descendants of Yaakov Avinu’s descendants awakened from their misconceptions, and in order to return to their Father in Shamayim, being a preparation for our Geulah. Since then many have returned (Shabbat and Tzitzit), but more need to. 


From the 400 Years we were to be in a "strange Land", after 210 we were Redeemed, there remained 190 Years.

Those days when the descendants of Yaakov Avinu were granted rachamim from Shamayim and "were redeemed from Mitzrayim ‘earlier’ for their sake, those remaining 190 days have been meted out over the years of our history up to the present." [**Rabbi Pinchas Winston Shlit"A]


Joshua’s conquest of the Land of the Ten nations

It seems that Yehoshua and the entering Tribal descendants were only able to conquer Seven of the nations (being evicted at the command of HaShem), with some of the canaanites remaining, eventually having a detrimental effect on the lives of  Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. Those remaining peoples were constantly at war with those Tribes that settled (prematurely) East of the Jordan River.

Rabbi Kessin Shlit”A has mentioned that "the Tifferet (beauty) and Oz (strength) that were taken from the Jews and seems now back in their possession". Therefore, maybe the war in Gaza is to remove the remnants of those remaining 3 nations as an impediment to, and necessary for, our Geulah.

[Note: From the Korban Pesach event to Joshua and conquering the Land is quite a "leap" (Kefitzat Haderech) into the next phase of our Geulah]


As Rabbi Richter said, "Israel is one of four nations that have “defense” in their army’s name. Every new home being built must have a 'safe room'  included." Rockets rain down on Israelis and they are supposed to run to “safety places”. What country does not ward off their enemies? Instead our citizens have to run for cover in the “seconds” they have before rockets land, explode, and kill?? A government that does not protect their citizens does not need to stand.

Now we need the years of misguided training and *indoctrination in the halls of ***institutions of Eisav that have sapped the ancient Israelite strength, bravery and training in warfare learned from the Torah, to have become a sappy nation of “defenders” and not the powerful Israelite Nation that represented The Mighty G–d of Israel that all nations feared! 

Remember the mighty outnumbered Hashmonaim who conquered the enemy "unnatural Nation" of its "unnatural mixtures". Alas, but not to last. We need those Mighty Hashmonaim today.

Listen to Rabbi Richter tell us how the Israelites fought their wars (Uri Millstein):


ME: On Shabbos, with all of my "Torah readings" the above many thoughts came to me so clearly; but today w/o that "extra neshoma of Shabbos" they may be a bit jumbled, but I hope readers catch on to my excitement. IOW we are not witnessing what we are seeing and reading about current events.

*Toras Avigdor,

**Rabbi Winston: "It is not simply Keitz Yomim, which means end of days, but ha-yomim, the days. Which days? The days of the 190 years still left to rectify from Golus Mitzrayim, which we have been doing for thousands of years now, and won't stop doing until Moshiach comes." This is because there was really only supposed to be one exile and redemption, and that was in Egypt and from Egypt. [...] It was the Ben Ish Chai .... It was the first and only place that I saw someone of authority point out that the 190 of keitz is directly related to the 190 years the Jewish people left Egypt early.  For essays on the current situation, go to www.shaarnproductions.orgGood Shabbos, Pinchas Winston

Kefitzat Haderech = "miraculous travel between two distant places in a brief time" = 'spiritual timing' a speeding up on event to our Geulah.

*** THE FOLLOWING COMES FROM Betty Lahat in an article on myrtlerising

"Every person who is an alumnus of the Wexner Foundation is an administrator in our army today and also in the security apparatus, the Shabak, the foreign ministry, the commanders in chief, and the entire upper echelon of the IDF. [...] "We carry out yet another military operation and yet another military operation, and we yet again concern ourselves with their subsistence and we say, "Well, if we don't give them parnasa, then they'll come and harm us."

"But why are Israeli authorities so blind to all this? Why does the majority of the media, the top-ranking military leaders, the politicians, and other officials still push the false beliefs regarding deterrents and how to prevent the slaughter of Jews? Why do they persist in pursuing "strategies" that clearly not only don't work, but make everything so much worse? Moran Corse brought up the root of the evil: the Wexner Foundation (known in Hebrew as "Keren Vaksner"). She claims no one can advance to the top of Israeli society unless they attend courses at the Wexner Foundation."

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