09 January 2024

Shalom Pollack – LAST CHANCE


What do the Israeli leadership elites not understand yet?

Have you noticed that terrorists love to kidnap Israeli hostages and do so with growing scope and frequency? Perhaps it is because it works so well.
And have you noticed that this weapon is not used by Arabs against other Arabs? They also don't rape other Arabs in the war against each other all the time but they know what is not done.

Jews?  -  party time!

Have you wondered why?

Perhaps you recall a few months ago, a couple of Druse young men ( an Arab non-Muslim minority who serve with distinction in the Israeli army) were involved in a car accident in Jenin (PA territory) After being taken to the local "Palestinian" hospital it was discovered that they were Israeli citizens and the terrorists announced that they were holding Israeli hostages in return for terrorists prisoners in Israel.
Had they been Jewish Israelis there would have begun a drawn-out gut-wrenching period of negotiations, demonstrations to "free them now at any cost!  " and ultimately bowing to massive blackmail and depressing national humiliation.

However, the Druse community in Israel did not turn to the Israeli authorities to free their sons from the terrorist kidnappers. They knew better
Unlike the sophisticated, humanitarian Jews, they understood in which neighborhood they lived.
They blocked the main road artery of Israel and announced that if their people were not released in a few hours the entire Druse community of Israel (200,000 )  would kill any "Palestinian" they saw until the release. The  Druse were ready to go on the warpath for their kinsmen. It's a thing that our Jewish leadership has tried to quash;  it's called pride.
Arabs understand that very well. That is also why they never rape each other. Some things are just not worth the gain.

But  Jews..? Party time!

It wasn't always this way.
In the pre-state period, Ben Gurion ordered a team to abduct  Arab rapists of Jews and permanently changed their masculine physiology. Word got out quickly, even without social media, and other Arab rapists quickly fled the country.

But we matured. Now we pay, and pay, and pay the price for " Jewish morality"?

When Moses wiped out the Canaanites to free just one hostage, a Jewish maidservant did he forget what is true Jewish morality? Why didn't he negotiate?

In the Seventeen nineties, Muslim pirates in North Africa discovered a lucrative source of income. They began to abduct Western citizens at sea for ransom for which their governments paid handsomely, and so the practice continued until President  Thomas Jefferson had enough.
The Marines (.".to the shores of Tripoli.".) were sent in, not to negotiate or pay a ransom. They solved the problem, some say that even "noncombatants"  were killed.

In the Nineteen eighties in another Muslim land, they were up to their old tricks again.
Western citizens were abducted from the streets of Beirut and held for large ransoms which  Western governments paid. The abductions continued of course.

Finally, the KGB was called upon to quietly deal with it when a Russian national was abducted.
The families of the terrorists had their body parts sent by mail to their homes.
The abduction of Russians ended.

Amidst the current war of survival, we are engaged in against an enemy that plays by no rules. Is there anything we should be learning from the past?

The world has no time or use for losers.
Everyone respects a winner. They may not always like them but they respect them.

Israel rejected  Torah values and, desperate to be loved by the Nations, adopted a policy of rewarding its enemies. It has resulted in escalating  criticism, and losing respect and friends.
Trying to walk and talk just like them hasn't worked.

Latent antisemitism does not attract large crowds when Israel wins and does not look over its shoulder for approval. Rather it is the policy of appeasement and self-denigration to please a hostile world that led to the continued contempt of the Nations and the subsequent deterioration of national confidence.
It has simultaneously led to the serious deterioration of personal security in the country.

To stop this growing tragedy, the current confused and arrogant leadership and elites across the board must be replaced with those tightly attached to our Jewish roots; who do not measure success in how well we can hide our  Jewish identity and "be like them".

The hope and prayer of the  Jewish majority in Israel is that the shocking events of the Simchat Torah had a higher purpose; it was the eleventh-hour rescue from being swept away in the swirling whirlpool of self-hate to civil war.
On the eve of the massacres, Jews witnessed with anguish and horror the march of self-hatred to self-destruction.
The Jewish majority pray to be freed of  the current elites who brought us to this brink of disaster

Not every generation is witness to dizzying and unpredictable events as we do today.

May we merit true Jewish leadership with the clarity to see and understand and with the faith and strength to bring us back to where we are meant to be.

We can not know how many more chances we will be granted to make it right.
tour guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"


Neshama said...

They are not going to ever! They have been so corrupted they need to be brought before a mil trial!
The Israelis/Jews of Eretz Yisrael have been hoodwinked immensely!

Anonymous said...

Agree with you 1000%, Neshama!
This non-Jewish way of thinking is totally perverted and is a crime in itself.
These are the ways of the G-Dless. We who were given the holy Torah by G-D Almighty
throw it aside so we can be like the nations who make up their own perverted laws as they
see fit in their own eyes.
Having mercy on the wicked will just create being kind to the cruel! The idea of our soldiers
putting their lives on the line to protect the wicked beasts but yet destroying the homes of our people and taking away their personal land and property is beyond vile & insane.
Justice, Justice, pursue! The insane evil & perverted enemy must be completely eliminated but
allowing the erev rav to be in charge (that align themselves with our enemies) in destroying Jewish homes and property is senseless & beyond forgiveness Baruch W.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

There is no tzeddek in this world. It's something we have to realize. The true beit din is Above and there, justice is meted, even if we don't see it with our own eyes here. It is said that Moshiach will be revealed when medinat Israel, the structure, collapses. Let's pray that this happens today.

Neshama said...

According to the reservists it will happen!
Their VOICES are heard in Shamayim!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

B'ezrat Hashem. We have forgotten, but the reservists also joined the anti-Judicial reform movement and threatened not to respond if called up. Many did not report for their regular duty that the must serve each year (before the war). I have less optimism. On the other hand, the regular soldiers, I believe they could be the catalyst.

Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...