09 January 2024

Caroline Glick interviews Major in Reserves, Gilad Ach:

 Major in Reserves: This Time We Must Demand Complete Victory in Gaza

This week, Caroline Glick spoke with Major in Reserves and founder of Courage for Israel Gilad Ach. Courage for Israel is a group of reserve soldiers that are demanding from the government that they do not stop the war in Gaza until Hamas is completely destroyed. 

They discuss

- the breaking of morale amongst veteran soldiers who feel that they have been fighting Hamas for decades because of government indecision

- what complete victory in Gaza looks like

- the disconnect between the wholly dedicated soldiers on the ground and the Israeli leadership at the top. 


The Major in Reserves is named Gilad Ach (very unusual name even for an Israeli). I read something recently about a famous Gaon by the name Acha, below:

When Caliph Omar conquered the Land of Israel in 627 CE, he improved the conditions of the Jews living there and even permitted seventy Jewish families to settle in Jerusalem, for the first time in 500 years.

Over the years, the population of the Land of Israel became predominantly Muslim. While the Muslims treated Jews as inferiors, they did not object to Jewish presence in the land. As the region gained political and economical stability, the Jewish communities began to rebuild and grow.

During this time, another prominent scholar moved to the Land of Israel. His name was Rav Acha, also known as Achai Gaon, and he had been teaching in the famous Talmudic academy in the city of Pumbedisa in Babylonia. When the head of the academy passed away, Rav Acha was the most qualified to take his place. However, the Exilarch of the time, for reasons not preserved by history, appointed Rav Acha’s student instead 6.

Perhaps looking to contribute to the Jewish community in a more significant way, Rav Acha moved to the Land of Israel and brought along many of his students 7. There, he received the title of Reish Pirka that had until then been reserved for the descendants of Mar Zutra.

Meir Holder quotes Rabbi Yaakov Emden, a leading 18th century German rabbi and Talmudist 8:

R’ Achai strengthened tenfold the fortress that Mar Zutra had commenced to build for the Babylonian Talmud in Eretz Yisrael [Land of Israel], and it was from there that the Talmud spread to all the nearby countries of the West.

In the Land of Israel, Rav Acha authored Sheiltos D’Rav Achai Gaon, the first rabbinical text written after the completion of the Talmud. Addressed to the layman and arranged around the weekly Torah portion, its aim was to encourage Torah study among the Jewish population.



Gavriela Dvorah said...

I'm afraid complete victory, or any victory, will not be achieved, unless Hashem intervenes right now in a miraculous way. The government is run by people lacking in chochmah and emunah. They bow to US pressure because that is who they serve. The families of the captives are running from man to man. Does anyone remember the female soldier who was "miraculously" saved? Her family didn't join the group of captives' families. Instead, they went from Tzaddik to Tzaddik, took on kabolot, Tehillim, hafrash challah, and other mitzvot, and of course poured out their hearts to HKBH. And, pitom she came home. The first thanks was given to HKBH, an none other. But sadly, we don't see this happening with the group that has been taken over by the leaders of the left. So, I kind of see a Yosef haTzaddik story playing out. In a breach of emunah, Yosef asked the cup bearer to remember him to Pharoah. In return, Yosef received a two-year extension to his prison term.

Neshama said...

Did you read what I posted about GILAD ACH?
Abour who his great grandfather might be?
I posted something below the video!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I haven't had a chance yet to watch the video, but will later, bli neder, iy"H. What you write is very exciting. B'ezrat HaShem, it will happen. Now they have informed the hospitals here in the north, which are already understaffed and short of space, to get ready for some mass event, including preparing to operate in "island status," as in we will be isolated from the world. Well, we already had the capture of the northern tribes once before. I hope we're not in for a re-run. Moshiach is supposed to be revealed first here in the Galil, and they say he will come down the mountain right behind our house. I am ready and keep my eyes turned there every day!

Neshama said...

You’re not up to date here!
The reservists HERE are the ones who ALREADY SERVED and want to RETURN to finish the job. They set up a tent front of PM office to demonstrate!

However, don’t think the job will be finished unless MBY does it!!
Just read what I posted a out GILAD ‘s pos ancestor!

Hamas needs to BURN THRU their merits being from Yishma-el!
I wonder how many of them are/were Jews??

Need to read dusizneias list about those surrendering in G.
A lot of good stuff there

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yup, I need to catch up...been busy working! About the video on dusiznies...I wonder if what they say is truthful or for the camera and the fact that they're under arrest. Remember, many of our captives talking in glowing terms about the wonderful treatment they received from their captors. Only now is the truth coming out. But they said what was necessary to stay alive and for the safety of loved ones still in the hands of Hamas. I'm not saying these guys were forced to say anything. But, I wonder, when they all chime in to blame Hamas is this only so that they receive the best treatment in our 5-star hotel prisons. Not sure. I'm holding judgment for now.

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