04 January 2024

AN IDEA: Your Community Can Do This Too:

*I have posted the above in order to show the strong Ahavas Yisrael of this community. Their volunteers have created Tzitzis, and now Eshet Chayal packages for the families of reservists and rescue forces called for duty, leaving their famiies alone for Shabbat. This idea is tremendous. I post it here because any community, or group of volunteers can do the same, even for the families of those who are serving, or have fallen, or who have been displaced from their own homes because of the war. 


Dear Nashot Chayil!
We're back!
Thank you thank you for the wonderful packages that you have prepared,
the feedback has been amazing!! If anyone wants to see some of the feedback
we have received, please pm me.
The Eshet Chayal kit, is a package that is delivered to the families of
reservists and rescue forces that were called up for duty, in order to give
the wife and kids an emotional hug and a feeling we are standing with them
during the difficult days they are going through being home alone.

Following the hundreds of ecstatic messages we received in the last few
weeks from the families, the Eshet Chayal project is continuing in full

We know that not everyone has the resources to put together an entire
package. You can also drop off just baked goods and we can put it together
with other things that we receive.

A complete Eshet Chayal package should include:

1. Homemade cake - Mehadrin Hechsherim only
2. A game or book for the children - preferably one that caters to a wide
age range
3. Most importantly,
A personal letter, from mother to mother and a letter from the children to
the children.
It is advisable to add contact information such as email/phone.

* This is the basis, of course you can add anything you want, treats, a
small personal gift for mom, etc.
* It is important to make sure that the packages are packed in a way that
will be convenient for delivering, a good bag or a box.
The packages must be brought by Thursday at 19:00


I left off the delivery contact info as I'm not sure they need outside donations

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