22 October 2019


This is from a Drashah for Simchas Torah by Harav Binyamin Gittelsohn, Zt”l 
(5611/1851 – 5692/1932)

When Avraham blessed Yitzchak, he ended with the words “yitein,” as the passuk says, “And Avraham gave all that he had to Yitzchak” (Bereshis 25:5). When Yitzchak blessed Yaakov, he began with what Avraham ended off, as the passuk says, “And Hashem should give to you from the dew of the heavens…” (ibid. 27:28). When Yaakov blessed his children, he began his blessing where Yitzchak ended, as it says “And Yitzchak called Yaakov” (ibid 28:1), and Yaakov began with “And Yaakov called his children” (ibid 49:1). Just as Yaakov ended his blessing with “v’sos,” as it says, “And this is what Yaakov spoke them” (ibid 49:28), Moshe began his blessing with “v’sos,” as it says “V’zos habrachah…” (Devarim 31:1).
Midrash Rabbah (ibid)

When Moshe came to bless Klal Yisrael, the Torah and Hakadosh Baruch came to bless them as well. “V’zos habracha” refers to the Torah, as the passuk states, “V’os haTorah” (Devarim 4:44). “Asher beirach Moshe” refers to Moshe Rabbeinu. “Ish HaElokim” refers to Hashem, as it says “Hashem ish milchamah.” Why all these? Since “the three-stranded rope does not snap easily” (Koheles 4:12).
Midrach Rabbah (ibid)

Source:  Hamodia, INYAN Magazine, 11 Tishrei 5780

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