18 October 2019

Hoshana Rabbah and Judgment

Hoshana Rabbah and the Final Day Of Judgment

  • 7th Day of Sukkot
  • 7 "Hoshanot"- Torah circuits of the Bimah with the Lulav and Etrog. The Sifrei Torah are returned to the Ark. 
  • Cantor wears a Kitten and uses Nusach from High Holidays
  • The Lulav and Etrog are laid aside and five willow stalks (Aravot) are taken and are beaten five times on the floor.
  • Erev Hoshanah Rabbah features late night or all night Torah study, especially the Rambam's Mishneh Torah and Psalms.
  • There is a strange superstition that on Hoshana Rabbah, the souls of the dead return to earth and travel the length and breadth of the ten worlds. 
  • There is a superstition that one who looks at their shadow in the light of the moon on Hoshana Rabbah can obtain a prophecy about their wellbeing in the year ahead. 
  • There is a tradition to have a festive meal on Hoshana Rabbah. 
  • The laws and features of Hoshana Rabbah are concealed and were revealed by the three Second Temple Prophets Chagai, Malachi and Zechariah.

  • Wishing All Klal Yisroel a Gitte Kvitel
  • 1 comment:

    drbsd said...

    The shadow thing. I just listen from Rav Glastein it’s written in the Zohar. Don’t try it at home, but it’s no superstition!

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