24 October 2019

Another *Jewish Baby . . .

A sad drama has been playing out over the last few days.While many Jews were celebrating our Torah with dance and song, another side of society in Israel was brought into focus.

It seems that a twenty-three-year-old Jewish woman from Ashkelon had a daughter with an Israeli Bedouin. This is not a unique occurrence. Thousands of Jewish girls fall for the temptations of Arab men, often ending with lives of deprivation and abuse in the closed world of the husband's village and clan. Few escape once they are trapped.

The story that grabbed headlines was not that of the increasing number of Jewish girls falling in "love" with Arab men. For many secular Israelis, this is simply no one's business. In fact, some high profile Jewish - Arab relationships have been treated as the ultimate social success stories. They are celebrities.

The relationship (that is no one's business) in the news today ended in abuse, torture and the death of a baby girl.The baby born of the Bedouin was in the "care" of her young mother and her new boyfriend- another Arab; this one from Hebron.He did not abandon the baby as her Bedouin father did but rather abused her and eventually murdered her in a fit of rage against his Jewish girlfriend.

The secular, progressive media that laud intermarriage is now lamenting the tragedy and asking the most obvious question(to them). "Where were the social services"?They see nothing tragic with what happened until the baby's cruel murder. They see no connection. The phenomena of trapped Jewish women and children in Arab relationships do not interest them and are not possibly linked to this story at all.

The same media wage a relentless war against Jews who try to nip this in the bud; to prevent Jewish girls from making that first tragic step.Those making these efforts are portrayed as the very worst small-minded, racist fanatics.

I wonder if the parents of the young tragic trapped mother would agree today? If only their daughter could have been helped and saved from the hell she slid into. If only their grandaughter were alive today and may I be so bold to say, - in a "normal Jewish home". I am presuming to read their thoughts.

Our Torah specifically warns us against this malaise. The Bedouin and the Hebron Arab would not even have been living amongst us if we followed the Torah's clear instructions and admonitions.

Alas, where were the social services?
When will we learn?

Shalom Pollack Tours
Jerusalem 99386

Please join me on a very unique tour to the Altar of Joshua on Mt Eval  and a visit with the local residents  - both Jewish pioneers and the ancient Samaritans

Ashkelon: Tragedy
6 Year Old Yael - Commentary to this tragedy: by DD: "The driver's here in Israel think about one thing - themselves. They are road demons and there is definitely road rage but no one reports it. . . .Upon initially building the connecting highway of Route 1 which connects points north to Jerusalem had been just two lanes which I saw was going to be too small considering all the cars on the road traveling to & from Jerusalem. The government has now wasted more money to intelligently expand it in some places to 3 -4 lanes. Motorcycle drivers slip through cars to get to the front of the line so that they can jet off as the light turns yellow NOT green. This is not permitted in the US but here in Israel it seems to be an accepted policy which has to be stopped. With the advent of SUV's you have these monsters bearing down on you at high speeds with a lot more weight than an average car. People don't know how to drive them but want them as their friends have them. This little girl was killed by a driver who most likely doesn't know the power of the monster they are driving. This is a moshav so speed limits should be set low as there are always kids riding their bikes or scooters in the streets of the neighborhood. Once again, Arutz 7 doesn't tell us who the driver was."

1 comment:

moshe said...

B'DE. The last sentence seems likely to be the clue (no name of driver); can it be that the driver (as many times it's the case) might be an arab driver, who if not purposely running over the innocent little child was an erratic driver. Anyway, Israelis, in general, are erratic drivers, Jewish or otherwise.
H' yerachem and may every Jew in EY and everywhere else be protected from all chaos and evil and wake up to see the light of Torat Emes!

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