04 July 2017


At the same time that the President of *India landed in Israel for his Historic Trip,
We received 201 NEW OLIM to Eretz Yisrael
And this is more exciting to me than the former.

The first of the Nefesh B’Nefesh Charter Flights this Summer 2017

Natan Sharansky: “We must ensure that the State of Israel remains a place in which every Jew may feel at home and in which the immigrants may confidently connect to the history, roots, and national identity of the Jewish people.”

“Today we welcome hundreds of extraordinary Olim who have chosen to leave their lives in the Diaspora and make Israel their home,” said Nefesh B’Nefesh Co-Founder and Executive Director,Rabbi Yehoshua Fass. “These modern-day pioneers, many of whom are moving to Israel’s North and South, are not only fulfilling their personal dreams, but the dreams of the Jewish nation as a whole. It has been remarkable, these last fifteen years, to have assisted thousands of Olim in making an impact on the State of Israel and we hope to continue to do so for today’s Olim.”

Today’s planeload of Olim is the first of two Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flights this summer, which, along with 11 group Aliyah flights and Olim arriving independently on a daily basis, will bring over 2,000 Olim making Aliyah through Nefesh B’Nefesh this summer from North America. Since 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh, together with its partners, has brought over 50,000 Olim to Israel from the U.S., Canada and the UK.


*footnote: India happens to be the biggest nation of avoda zarah (Buddism and holy cows). When Avraham sent his ‘other children’ to the EAST, he sent them with Kishuv (sorcery, magic, immorality). And it says, on “The Times of Israel” that Israel loves India?? We are one week away from the 17th of Tammuz!

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