16 July 2013

Tisha B'Av 5773 Decree

EU Redraws Israel Borders to 1949 Lines
EU formally forbids trade with bodies located beyond 1949 Armistice lines, including Golan: The decision also states that any future agreement signed with Israel must include a section that says the “settlements” are not part of sovereign Israel and therefore not included in the agreement."This is the first time in which a explicit and formal instruction like this is issued. Until now, there were silent understandings and agreements that the EU does not work beyond the Green Line” – as the 1949 Armistice Line is known – “but this is an official and binding prohibition.”

"Deputy Foreign Minister Ze'ev Elkin said, Tuesday morning, that a European Union decision to ban its members from funding or cooperating with Jewish entities beyond the 1949 Armistice Line, starting Friday, is "very disturbing". Responding to a report by the Ha'aretz daily, he said the decision will make it difficult for Israel to conduct contacts regarding its joint agreements with the EU.

"Chairman Davidi Perl of the Gush Etzion Regional Council condemned and denounced the decision, saying, "It's time the Union deals with its own problems instead of forcing its policy on Israel." Referring to the idea of Palestinian Authority statehood in Judea and Samaria (Shomron), he continued, "The idea of ​​two states stood up for a very short period and died long ago. Today it's clear to everyone that the Palestinians do not want and cannot reach an agreement and understandings, and furthermore, they do not have the ability to run a country. It's exactly the time that the prime minister stand up and apply Israeli law to these areas of the homeland and thus fix an ongoing historical distortion."

This also makes it clear that it is not a Palestinian State that the nations of the world want to enact  it appears they (are manipulating the Palestinians) in order to create another Final Solution!

More sources:

EU Attack on Israel "It's a very worrying initiative launched at a bad time, because it only reinforces the Palestinians' refusal to restart negotiations"

Lack of Agreement

Economic Earthquake

EU Secret Funding of Anti-Israel NGO's


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