15 July 2013

Kerry is Coming ... So the Riots Start ... Are We Heading for a Showdown

Muslim Extremists Force Jews From Temple Mount

“Today, on the eve of Tisha B'Av, the Israel Police failed do discharge its duties again,” ... “Hundreds of Jews who came to the Mount from all parts of the Land of Israel, were kept waiting for a long time at the entrance to the Mount, at the only gate where Jews are allowed to pass, while hundreds of Muslims entered from the other gates without any check or delay... Michael Fua, of the Jewish Leadership faction of the Israeli Likud Party.

"As the third group that the police allowed inside entered the Mount, many Muslims began to gather and shout. As usual, instead of preventing the rioters from ascending to the Mount and grouping together, the police quickly informed the Jewish pilgrims that it will not allow them to carry out a full tour of the Mount, and quickly made them leave through the nearest gate.”

"Fua, who videotaped the event, explained: “The video shows Dr. Yoel Elitzur and some of the ascenders, faced by the Muslim mob that is familiar to us from the previous days. It s amazing to see how the Israel Police plays into the hands of the Muslim rioters, and actually encourages them to threaten and run amok.

"This scenario is one that is known in advance and it is time that the police change their behavior, so that the scenario may change, too.”

Feiglin is Fighting Back

In his letter to Attorney General Weinstein, Feiglin said the ban (against his going up to the Temple Mount area) was in contradiction to three basic laws: the Jerusalem Basic Law, the Knesset Basic Law and the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Freedom. Feiglin also claimed the prohibition went against the freedom-of-religion clauses of the Declaration of Independence.


Outrage as Culprit in Hevron Massacre to Manage Holy Site

Taysir Abu Sneina, a terrorist who was involved in the murder of six Jews in Hevron on May 2, 1980, is the man whom the Palestinian Authority has appointed to manage the Muslim side of the Cave of Machpela (known in English as the Cave of the Patriarchs ... "Abu Sneina makes no attempt to hide his terrorist past, and actually seems quite proud of it. His Facebook page proclaims that he is “one of the heroes of the operation at Dabuya," as the area of Beit Hadassah is known in Arabic. The cover photo of his profile is of the terror squad that carried out the attack, with Abu Sneina's face circled."

In his letter to Attorney General Weinstein, Feiglin said the ban (against his going up to the Temple Mount area) was in contradiction to three basic laws: the Jerusalem Basic Law, the Knesset Basic Law and the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Freedom. Feiglin also claimed the prohibition went against the freedom-of-religion clauses of the Declaration of Independence.


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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...