19 July 2013

Birds of a Feather? Updated

Is this not the same University of California Board that Janet Napolitano (a/k/a Big Sis from Homeland Security) is joining?

"The University of California appointed a Muslim American woman as a student member of its governing board on Wednesday." Haaretz/Reuters

Read about the new UC Board member:

"...opposition to her appointment is two-fold:

1. As a Student Senator, she co-sponsored an Israeli divestment resolution singling out only the Jewish State for punitive action and calling for a divestment from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Cement Roadstone Holdings for doing business with Israel.

2. She authored a bill to curb the First Amendment rights of free speech for UC lecturer and pro-Israel activist Tammi Benjamin, which violates the very essence of being a member of the Board of Regents."

“She is prominent in the anti-Israel boycott campaign, an extremist movement that demonized the Jewish state, rejects dialogue, and fosters bigotry,” Roberta Seid, a research-education director at StandWithUs, an organization promoting education of Israel, told regents before the vote."


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Vaera - Seeing Signs of Redemption

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