19 July 2013


Well, of course, the PLO terrorists say NO, therefore Obama calls Netanyahu to apply pressure:

to weaken, give in, give up, 
renege, abate, abolish, annul, cancel, 
dissolve, do in, end, finish off, 
invalidate, knock out, negate, nix, nullify, 
quash, reject, renege, repeal, retract, 
revoke, scrub, torpedo, undo, 
vacate, vitiate, void, 
abandon, accede, acquiesce, admit, back off, 
back out, back pedal, backtrack, 
balk, beg off, bow out, cancel, 
cave in, chicken out, chicken out, 
concede, cop out, demur, 
give ground, give in, give up, go back on, 
have no fight left, 
hold back, pull back, pull out, 
recant, recoil, renege, 
retreat, submit, surrender, take back, 
wimp out, withdraw, 
withdraw from agreement or statement, 

PA member of parliament Mustafa Barghouti said "most factions" within the PLO had rejected Kerry's proposal. Stymied by PA, Kerry Goes Home

Obama Urges Netanyahu to Resume Peace Talks. Obama calls Netanyahu, asks him to continue to work with John Kerry in order to resume talks with the PA.


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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

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