14 July 2013

From the Evil Side ...

Since Naturei Karta defends the haredi pogrom on religious Jews, Israelis and National Religious Israelis -- ALL JEWS -- then it is from the EVIL side.

This is what Yisrael Meir Hirsch said about the pogrom in Meah Shearim:

"It's just like a thief will come to your house and you'll defend yourself," says Yisrael Meir Hirsch, leader of 'Neturei Karta' and one of the residents of the neighborhood. "Will you go ask the rabbi whether to attack or to remove him from the house?"  Behadrei

But why won't he say that about Haredi sexual perverts that pray upon little Haredi children and young boys?

They, too, are "like a thief will come to your house" however you are told to "go ask the rabbi whether to attack or to remove him from the house?"

I believe we are witnessing the battle of the Erev Rav/Zeir

The following is a summary of the defining factors of the Erev Rav and Erev Zeir.

Erev Rav of the Left

• Religion - Mainly based on belief, if not outright secular. Should not require any action on behalf of the believer.
• Morals - Morals shall be deduced by human reason alone. "I don't need G-d to tell me how to be a good person".
• Science - Achievements in science are valued, as it brings understanding, does not necessitate the obligation to any sort of belief.
• Politics - Separate Religion and State
• Geulah - "We can make our utopia here and now", there is no "process" of Geulah. They desire to do all the work.

Erev Rav of the Right, the Erev Zeir

• Religion - Mainly based on action, deeper/outside understanding of Kabbalah/Science is not stressed.
• Science - Any seeming challenges coming from science are attacked, science is deemed unnecessary/heretical.
• Politics - Separate Religion and State (by this I mean that there is no desire to eventually come to a "Torah" mode of governing, any religious influence is at most on the "dalet amot" scale)
• Geulah - "We cannot make our utopia here and now, only Moshiach can, we must wait." There is no "process" of Geulah. They pray for Moshiach to do all the work.

The above appears on, where you can read more about, Keitzmeguleh


Jesterhead45 said...

My limited 2 cents

When looking at the summary for the Erev Rav of the Left and the Erev Rav of the Right (Erev Ze'ir), it kind of reminds me of the metaphor where basically before Moshiach's arrival HaShem will hold a rope and shake it constantly with Am Israel holding on for dear life not letting go.

Though while it is a given that the middle ground between good and evil will disappear in the End of Days, in order to bring about a generation that is both wholly good and evil.

The conflict with Erev Rav of the Left and Right would seem to indicate that the Jewish people should hold on / maintain the middle ground in-between the extremes, while preventing themselves to the best of their ability from being drawn into the extremist camps of both the Erev Rav and Erev Ze'ir.

Neshama said...

But also, to perform acts like Aharon the peacemaker, Moshe Rabbeinu's brother.

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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

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