07 January 2013

Speaking of the Weather ... Some Warm Advice

Speaking of the Weather ...Keep Warm but Don't look like a Scary Bag Lady!

Be Tsnius ... But

"Tel Aviv winters are somewhat of a doozy. One minute sunny beach weather; the next is a windy monsoon of disaster. That’s why it’s important [for Tel Avivians] to always keep one thing in mind when choosing winter outfits. Layers.

Be Tsnius ... But

"Try it: Buy plain black tights. A lot of them. They are a staple and will never go out of style. They are available everywhere and are inexpensive. Under an over-sized sweater, a maxi skirt, or even a summer dress that’s hidden at the back of your closet. Black tights turn almost anything into a winter appropriate combination.

Be Tsnius ... But

"Warning: There is such a thing as too much. While layers are key for this season, overdoing it can make you look like a scary bag lady. And not to mention, can be heavy and uncomfortable. So, be careful. While bringing a sweater along is necessary, bringing three sweaters, a scarf, and a jacket is just silly." Keeping war from the JPost.

There's been a lot of talk about covering up, with measurements and dainty tips, but remember to be sensible!

"(... Such a) collection of instructions narrows down the value of modesty and damages the values of sanctity. The obsessive engagement in pieces of clothing is in itself immodest, and all this advertisement distorts Halacha, which seeks to reduce a person's engagement in matters of human urges."


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Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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