06 January 2013

A Day With The Alter Rebbe ... 200 Years

9 Hour Live Webcast: A Day with the Alter Rebbe (2)
Nine Teachers Exploring the Ideas of the Alter Rebbe,
Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi

In Tribute to 200 Years Since His Passing,
24 Teves 5573-5773, 1812-2013

9 Hour Live Webcast: A Day with the Alter Rebbe Part 2

Sunday, 24 Teves, January 6

Sunday 8:30AM EST

Learning Mishnayos
Mishnayos Berachos chapter 7: The Laws of Grace After Meals (begins with letter Shin, the Alter Rebbe’s first name)
By Rabbi YY Jacobson. (For beginners and advanced students.)

Sunday 9:30 AM EST

The Four Revolutions of the Tanya
By Rabbi Ben Zion Krasnyanski, Director, Chabad Upper East Side (For beginners and advanced students)

10:30 AM EST

The Alter Rebbe’s Contribution to Kabbalah
The notion of “Or,” Divine light, and how it transformed Jewish thought.
By Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Mashpia Chovevei Torah (In-depth class)

11:30 AM EST

Live Webcast from Miami Lubavitch Klurman Mesvita High School:

The Development of Halacha Throughout the Ages
By Rabbi Eily Smith, Teacher, Klurman Mesivta and Member of Beis Din, South Florida (Power Point Address)

12:15 PM EST

Live music & singing: The Four-Stanaza Melody of the Alter Rebbe.

12:30 PM EST

Two Stories
Two Life Changing Stories About the Alter Rebbe: Live Address to Klurman Mesivta High School Students.
By Rabbi YY Jacobson

1:00 PM EST


1:15 PM EST

Shlchan Aruch HaRav: The Alter Rebbe’s Vew on Unintentional Trapping on Shabbos
By Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shapiro, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami (text based shuir).

1:45 PM EST

The Alter Rebbe’s Contribution to Psychology
Studying the Tanya
By Rabbi YY Jacobson (For beginners and advanced).

2:30 PM EST

Shlchan Aruch HaRav: How the Alter Rebbe Solved the Riddle of Shabbos HaGadol.
By Rabbi Levi Garelik, Rabbinical Beis Din of Europe (Advanced class, text based)

3:30 PM EST

Shlchan Aruvh HaRav & Tanya: Is Shabbos Objective or Subjective? The Alter Rebbe’s Unique View.
“Amirah Lenachri”: When a Gentile Works for You on Shabbos.
By Rabbi Levi Wineberg, Rosh Kolel Mizrachi, Johannesburg (Advanced class)

4:30 PM EST

Shlchan Aruch HaRav: The Alter Rebbe’s View on the Blessing for Torah. Why is there no blessing when you think Torah?
By Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, Director Chabad of Albany, NY

Program ends at 5:00PM


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