08 January 2013

Guns, Violence, Videos

I watched a special that Glenn Beck presented on the epidemic of "children massacring* children". There is no other term for this; it's not 'shooting' and not 'killing'. The mechanics of these mass-murderers is straight from the dramatics of Killer Videos. These videos are training children to denigrate humanity and living.

Glenn interviewed a Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, who is considered "the man to go to about killing" because he trained soldiers, policemen, men whose gut instinct is NOT TO KILL. He had to train them how to do it, while retaining their humanity. There is a method to this and he is the expert.

Below are a few video takes from this interview. They may not be in chronological order, but you will glean important information for each one of them. Glenn wants to do something gigantic to save the children.

The wisdom of our Rabbis in ossering videos and internet for children, and most adults, comes shining through the words of this Lt. Col. Grossman. Please watch and recommend this to your friends who think videos are still harmless.

*mas·sa·cre [mas-uh-ker] noun, verb, mas·sa·cred, mas·sa·cring.
1. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
2. a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war.
3. to kill unnecessarily and indiscriminately, especially a large number of persons.


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