11 July 2012

Saving Jewish Lives and Jewish Identity

UPDATE. Rabbis in Fiery Letter to Peres: You Should Apologize. Thank you Rabbis!

"Settlement activity endangers State's Jewish identity" so says the JPost article quoting Shimon Peres!

This type of fallacious thinking must be countered, and Danny Danon is right there with, "The only danger to the State of Israel as a Jewish nation is the failure to believe in our historical right to our land". This is the psychological war being waged in this generation. It's the battle between younger Israeli minds, raised on the land, against the European Galut mentality and US subversive policies. The international community already gave Israel the green light to their homelan, and the refusal of the Arab nations to recognize Israel's historical and religious identity is what caused all the wars, uprooting of people, massacres and internecine fighting over the last 60 years.

God returned us to our land (gasp, yes it was God working in history! I dare say this, to those readers who shy from such realities), He will make sure we will stay here, but it is us, the Jews, who have to do our part here on the land to fulfill His Will. This means building up the land, developing the infrastructures, bringing more Jews out of the international unnatural ideological environments back to the soil that nurtures them and the whole world. The righteous people in the international nations are also the beneficiaries of Jewish historical renewal. That is our biblical purpose, our spiritual purpose, and our worldly purpose.

I say, Shimon Peres' antiquated and subversive ideas are what is endangering Jewish identity and the future of Jewish lives.


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