23 July 2012


We don't have any GAS MASKS at all!

IDF: Syrian chemical threat targets Israel.

"Senior Israeli military officers, referring to the Syrian foreign ministry statement Monday, July 23, that Syria would only use chemical weapons against “external aggression” say it was a direct threat by the Assad regime to turn those weapons against Israel. There was no denial of their potential transfer to Hizballah, against which Israel has vowed to use force. "Assad has taken carte blanche for when and against whom to wage chemical warfare." More at Debka

Two hours for Syrian chemical weapons to reach Lebanon. Four armies prepared.

Assad rebuilds fighting command, retaliates against Turkey.

Presumably this is why Assad threatened and why the UN Secretary is very worried: DEBKAfile reports exclusively. ... Assad also received a last warning not to move his chemical weapons again or else they would be destroyed from the air.

And now, US Warns Syria Over Chemical Weapons: Pentagon officials tell Syria not to 'even consider' using chemical weapons; Israel will secure Syrian stockpiles if regime collapses. "They should not think one iota about using chemical weapons," Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters.

"We have been very strong in our statements inside the US government on the prospective use of chemical weapons and it would be entirely unacceptable," Little said."

America could get us into a war!


Dov Bar-Leib said...

Neshama, are you sure that this was a threat by Assad to shower Israel with chemical weapons? No, we also do not have a gas mask. If this Damascus deal continues to escalate it will escalate into the War of Redemption described in Yishaiyahu 17: 12-14. It will be a World War that will involve far more than just Israel. Be prepared, but stay calm. Saying certain Tehillim regularly leads to calmness. Start with Psalm 2 and 83.

Neshama said...

Thanks Dov: Yes, America is escalating the threats, as read on Drudge, with links. The US wants to keep Israel from war, but in doing so is making Israelis a target. However, there are behind the scenes negotiations, even the offer of a safe escape for Assad. He's too ruthless to go easily, and too smart to go w/o a 'bang'.

Let's hope something intervenes, like a earthquake. My emuna and bitachon are in G-d the Al-mighty.

Dov Bar-Leib said...

Today I waited in line for over an hour and a half at the Hadar Mall in Talpiyot and obtained gas masks for the family. Even if the Shomron is shamurim, it is good to have these gas masks with us for whatever war awaits us, from Syria, Lebanon, or Iran. The scene at the Mall was a zoo. CNN and several other news media outlets were there taking interviews. CNN was interviewing an American elderly woman with a heavy Yiddish accent. I can only imagine how those evil snakes at CNN are going to spin that interview. I tend to avoid interviews with the tishkoret. They cut and edit in order to disparage.

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