19 July 2012

Hypocrisy on the Rise ... Again

2012: Syria

U.N. Secretary-General [Ban Ki-moon] said "Time is of the essence," ... "The Syrian people have suffered for too long. The bloodshed must end now."

1942-45: Europe

U.N. Secretary-General didn't say "Time is of the essence," ... "The Jewish people have suffered for too long. The bloodshed must end now."

2012 Bulgaria:

"UN head Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack on Israelis in Bulgaria but didn't call it terror" ... and the "UN Human Rights Council was silent altogether."

2012: International Conference for Victims of Terror

"The Global Counter-terrorism Forum’s High-Level Conference on Victims of Terrorism was held on July 9 in Madrid, Spain. The US undersecretary of state for civilian security, democracy and human rights, Ms. Maria Otero, praised the UN-sponsored organization called the Global Survivors Network and mentioned a film it had produced that included the stories of victims of terror from 11 countries."

Israel was not invited to attend. Again Israel is delegitimized. It appears the world is getting tired of the Jew again. America colluded with Turkey in appeasing the Arab World.

Maybe that is why Mr. Ban couldn't form the letters to say the word "terror" in connection with the terrorist 'suicide body bomber' who blew up a bus in Bulgaria loaded with teenagers from Israel. "UN head Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack on Israelis in Bulgaria but didn't call it terror." "The UN Human Rights Council was silent altogether." Source.

I guess, Mr. Ban, if you admitted that the attack in Bulgaria was perpetrated by terrorists, then the Global Survivors Network would have to admit Jews to its forums?

Ms Otero described "four areas that the United States believes should be part of a comprehensive strategy for governments to address the needs of international terror victims’ rights." Strangely, these four areas, Rabbi Seth Mandell explains, were to have been covered in the "Koby Mandel Act" ... "The Act directed the US government to provide information, resources, legal representation and accountability to the families of Americans murdered by terrorists in foreign lands."

However, it seems this endeavor has been usurped by the Department of Justice and the Undersecretary of State Ms Otero to address all terror victims except Jews (Israeli and American). More Obama Administration ingenuity!


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