22 July 2012

B"H To Live in The Promised Land, Eretz Yisrael

It's so wonderful to be in the Promised Land, Eretz Yisrael. While in Brooklyn, no one ever told us these things:

The following is from "The Laws of the Nine Days" by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed. Please read all of them here

Redemption through Torah Study in Israel

During these days, as we mourn the Destruction, we should arouse and strengthen our efforts in matters that bring the Redemption closer. It is written in Tana D’bei Eliyahu (Eliyahu Zuta 14): “Israel is not redeemed out of sorrow, or out of slavery, or out of wandering, or out of madness, or out of duress, or out of a lack of food, but out of ten people sitting together, each one reading and learning with his partner, their voices heard, as it is written: “But upon Mount Zion there will be refuge, and there will be holiness” (Ovadiah 1:17).

Suffering alone can not bring Redemption. Redemption will come by way of deep study, guiding the lives of the individual and the collective, the spiritual and the physical, the sacred and the secular, to live complete, Torah lives. And even if only ten people learn together sincerely, for the sake of bringing the Redemption and ‘tikun olam’ (perfecting the world), their voices will be heard by the multitudes, and will merit bringing the Redemption.

Building the Land of Israel Brings Redemption

It is well known that in the words of the Prophets and our holy Sages, settling the Land of Israel is the foundation and key to the Redemption, as cited in the book ‘Kol HaTor’, chapter 5: “And who is as great in all previous generations as Rabbeinu HaGra (Gaon of Vilna), Kadosh Yisrael, who, in his passionate oratory fire, urged his students to go to Eretz Yisrael and engage in the Ingathering of the Exiles, relentlessly encouraging his students to hasten the ‘Revealed End of Times’, to bring the Final Redemption by settling the Land of Israel.

Almost every day, Rabbeinu spoke to us emotionally and excitedly, that ‘In Zion and Jerusalem will there be refuge’, and not to delay the point in time. Who can put into words the magnitude of Rabbeinu’s apprehension as he spoke of these matters to us, in his holy spirit and with tears in his eyes.”

Furthermore, we have learned that the ‘Sin of the Spies’ – those who despised the cherished Land – occurred on Tisha B’Av, and it was decreed that if they did not correct their sin, the First and Second Temples would be destroyed on Tisha B’Av, and the galut would begin.

Therefore, during these days we must awaken to the importance of the mitzvah of settling the Land, and every single Jew who is able, has the sacred duty to go up and settle in holy center of Eretz Yisrael – in Judea and Samaria.

Torah Study on Shabbat Expresses Our Right to the Land

“The Torah said before God: Master of the Universe! When Israel enters the Land, one person will run to [toil in] his vineyard, while another will run to [toil in] his field. What will be with me? God said to the Torah: I have a partner for you, and Shabbat is its name – for on that day, Israel will cease to work, and can engage in you” (Midrash, cited in Tur, Orach Chaim 290). And as we have learned in the Gemara (Pesachim 68b) and Rishonim (Or Ze’rua, S’mag, and others), half the time of Shabbat should be dedicated to Torah, that is to say, at least six hours.

The more we strengthen our Torah study on Shabbat, the stronger our right to the Land will be, for the main objective of Eretz Yisrael is for holiness to reveal itself in everyday life as well, and in all various occupations; but this, provided one learns a lot on Shabbat, for by doing so, holiness and blessing spreads to all our accomplishments during the six workdays.

The Mitzvah ‘Be Fruitful and Multiply’ Leads to Redemption

Additionally, during these days we must awaken to what our Sages have said (Eliyahu Zuta 14): “And just as Israel was redeemed from Egypt in the merit of proliferating, so too will they be redeemed in the future. How do you know? Know for sure that this is the case, for Israel will be redeemed only if they proliferate and fill the entire the world, as it is said: 'For you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left; and your seed shall possess nations, and make desolate cities to be inhabited' ” (Isaiah 54:3).


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