21 September 2011


Barry Rubin writes in Pajamas Media, I accuse President Obama of "Destroying Western Interests in the Middle East, Helping Destabilize the Region, and Putting Millions of Lives in Jeopardy"

What I am about to propose may be the farthest thing from anyone's mind, but let's pretend for a minute. Pretend that all of Obama's decisions are deliberate. He could not single-mindedly move all these political chess pieces to create what we are witnessing. He had a partner. He obviously does his best thinking while golfing. He golfs more than all the presidents put together. I suggest he is communicating with someone who is advising him.

Let's pretend something different. What Barry has written as an assessment of the M.E. is negative in it's context. Looks bad. As an Israeli Jew, the immediate future looks very grim. It paints a picture of a world setting in a downward spiral, seemingly undoing all the democratic and political gains of the past. All this might lead to war chv's. News reports are excited, covering every nuance with bated breathing.

Now, realize that the Jewish people have been in America a long time. Each country we Jews have lived in during this long Galus followed the same pattern. First we were new settlers and struggling, then came the building and eventual prosperity and integration with the host country, which the host country benefited immensely from our ingenuity. The early immigrants to America (1880s) enabled the remnants of WWII to arrive, some to families and others to communities that held a Jewish presence.

At the same time, Jews were settlers in Eretz Yisrael. They created a functioning and innovative country. After about 60 years, while the Israelis were developing and becoming a stronger nation, the Jews in America were getting weaker with a diluted lifestyle and an assimilation rate skyrocketing. My estimate is they are nearing the 48-49th level. All the strong idealistic Jew have moved to Israel. The pattern is the same more or less.

Now let's look at the other side of this negative M.E. assessment coin, the positive side. Each aspect of this M.E. scenario appears threatening and out of control. Let's take each issue and turn it around and create a politically good thing out of it. Extrapolate out of what each member of this fiasco is doing and project a positive outcome ... for Israel and the Jews. It is not apparent yet, but this reversed outcome may surprise everyone.

I believe that G-d is maneuvering all these events (yes, I believe in the Almighty G- d who rules the world) to fulfill certain prophecies. The enemies of Israel, those nations that Barry Rubin wrote about in his current article are in turmoil, instigated by Obama's contrivances, which appear threatening. However, may I propose that there will come about a reversal that will change the entire world situation.

As it is yet to happen, it does not preclude that which might get a bit more complicated before it reverses.

But, in the meantime,
think Purim!

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