11 September 2011

The Coming Warships

Is this guy tipsy or something? Is he provoking the waters of confrontation ... a rabid frenzy ... to provoke an all out attack?

"Turkey: Warships will back next flotilla
Turkish PM Erdogan announces Ankara's ships will escort aid vessels headed to Gaza.

"Rhetoric concerning but will not impact Gaza blockade. Meanwhile, Ankara-Cairo ties get commercial boost in form of military, trade contracts and naval maneuvers" = At the same time the Israeli Embassy is attacked and those inside are airlifted to safety.

If these warships travel through the Bosphorus Straits on their way to accompany a Turkish flotilla, this could be the prophecy the predicts the imminent arrival of Moshiach that is attributed to the Vilna Gaon.

Recently found article: "A fascinating 1980 Jewish commentary, Daniel, published by The ArtScroll Tanach Series, makes the following comments on the identity of Magog:

"The various traditions concerning the identity of Magog, who in Genesis 10:2 is listed among the sons of Noah's son Japheth, tend to place the land of Magog in what today is southwest Russia The Caucasian region, which lies between the Black and Caspian Seas . . . This is in agreement with Yerushalmi Megillah 3:9 which renders Magog as "the Goths," a group of nomadic tribes who destroyed the Scythians and made their homes in Scythian territory. . . . Our identification of Magog as Caucasia, which was at one time inhabited by the Goths, is based on the assumption that the land of Magog is named after Japheth's son. . . .

"Rabbi Chisdai Ibn Shaprut wrote to the king of Khazaria in which he addresses the king as 'prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal.' This salutation, drawn from our verse, indicates that the Gaonim had a tradition that these countries were indeed located in Russia.

"This acclaimed commentary concludes this section with a fascinating comment:

"In this light one may understand an oral tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon (see Chevlei Mashaiach BiZemaneinu, p. 134), that when the Russian navy passes through the Bosporus it will be time to put on Sabbath clothes (in anticipation of the coming Mashiach.)

"The Bosporus is the narrow strait in Turkey that links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea through the Dardanelles strait. The Jewish sages warned that the generation who witnessed the Russian preparation to invade Israel should prepare their hearts because the coming of the Messiah was at hand."

There is so much turmoil in the world, that in our days the war could almost come from anyone. Turkey, Egypt, Lybia, Persia,

"For fifty years, the United Nations and the Arab states have continually demanded that the tiny nation of Israel surrender its vital land to "buy" peace with its Arab neighbours. However, we should consider some questions. How large is Israel compared to her Islamic neighbours?

"The state of Israel is less than one-tenth of 1 percent as large as the thirty-five Islamic states surrounding her throughout the Middle East. These thirty-five Islamic states possess 8,879,548 square miles of territory and a combined population of 804,500,000.

"To put this in perspective, the tiny nation of Israel is only 8,020 square miles in size with a population of less than five million people. This means that the surrounding Islamic nations are 1,107 times larger than the Jewish state of Israel. The state of Texas alone is over thirty-two times the size of Israel.

"The Islamic state of Saudi Arabia is over one hundred and seven times the size of Israel. Islam is the major religion in thirty-five nations, or 22 percent of the 159 member-states of the United Nations. Judaism is the major religion in only one nation on earth, the state of Israel.


"Ever since the Six-Day War, when Israel miraculously defeated six countries, her enemies have been in awe of her military genius and power. The very first day of the war Israel promptly destroyed virtually the entire Jordanian and two-thirds of the Syrian air force, and hit an Iraqi air force base. By the end of the second day, June 6, 1967, Israeli officials believed the war had already been won. 416 Arab aircraft had been destroyed, 393 of which had been destroyed on the ground. Israel lost 26 airplanes in action. In 500 sorties Israel destroyed 309 of Egypt's 340 aircraft.

"No wonder the Arab world hesitates to take on the Jews again in a real war! And no wonder that the Arabs would quickly embrace a Russian plan to destroy Israel. Many people are not aware of this fact: more than 55 million Arabs live in Russia!"

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