14 September 2011

Father of Bride Arrested ... But Women Permitted

Is this not bizarre?

But maybe it means we are not yet ready for the Third Temple?
We shall see what Heaven says after Hoshana Rabba 5772

Father of the Bride Arrested on Temple Mount

A Jewish man who accompanied his daughter to the Temple Mount on the morning of her wedding day was arrested and detained for three hours. His crime – putting a pinch of dust in a matchbox as a keepsake.

The incident took place on Monday, when Shlomo Neeman took his daughter Rivka to the Temple Mount. Shlomo is a senior employee with the Jewish Agency who lives in Carmei Tzur; Rivka, his oldest daughter, was just hours before her wedding. The two were approved by police to ascend the mount, which according to Jewish tradition is the holiest site on earth.

However, when Shlomo picked up a small quantity of dust, three police officers immediately arrested him and accused him of carrying out a religiously significant act - which when done by a Jew, is considered to have “potential to disturb the peace,” and is thus forbidden. Shlomo was detained for three hours while his daughter waited. He was ultimately released with a warning that he is barred indefinitely from accessing the Temple Mount.

He has visited the Temple Mount regularly for more than 20 years. Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick accused police of behaving like “bullies” at the holy site, and of “doing everything to make life difficult for Jews who ascend the Mount.”

At least six women have been arrested on their wedding day over the past two years for allegedly moving their lips in prayer while visiting the holy site, he added. Monday’s incident followed a police promise to provide Jews with greater access to the site after protests over widespread anti-Jewish discrimination.

But how could this be when:

Women’s Group Prays on Temple Mount

Eighteen women visited Temple Mount last week, heard lesson on women’s role in Redemption and prayed.

Eighteen women ascended to the Temple Mount last week, in yet another manifestation of the growing Jewish interest and longing for the Temple Mount. The women – from Ofra, Alon Moreh, Kochav HaShachar, Havat Gilad and Jerusalem also said a prayer.

The women were led around the Mount by Rav Itai Elitzur, who spoke to them about the sanctity of the Mount and of the Women’s Section that was part of the Temple.

I guess the police are telling women that their davening on the Temple grounds doesn't matter ... that women don't count!?

What about the five righteous daughters of Tzelofchad?

What about Hannah?
And what about Mama Rochel!?

If we might have unarmed Arab invaders pour into YERUSHALAYIM demanding their "right" to return to Judea and Samaria in connection with the UN vote on recognizing a Palestian State on OUR Land,

maybe we should exercise our Biblical Contract with HaShem and march in solidarity (women from all the different expressions of Judaism including secular) and ascend the Temple Mount grounds to reclaim our Yerusha!

Let's exercise our Role in the Redemption

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