13 May 2010

Al Netilat Yadayim

Scientific Study: Hand Washing Wipes Away Regrets?

A Science Study on Hand Washing: After choosing between two alternatives, people perceive the chosen alternative as more attractive and the rejected alternative as less attractive. This postdecisional dissonance effect was eliminated by cleaning one’s hands. Going beyond prior purification effects in the moral domain, physical cleansing seems to more generally remove past concerns, resulting in a metaphorical "clean slate" effect Science Mag.

About Jewish ritual hand Washing ...
Al Netilas Yadayim ... The Lifting up of the Hands

The washing of the hands symbolizes the removal of defilement and impurity, and the restoration of spiritual cleanliness. It also serves as a reminder of the ancient Temple service in which the Kohen was required to wash his hands before beginning the daily ritual (Shemot 30:20). His was an act of consecration. We emulate that act.

The Hebrew word that normally would be used for "washing hands" is rochetz yadayim, but instead in the blessing we say al netilat yadayim, which literally means "the lifting up of the hands." This symbolizes that the hands are "lifted" to a higher level and are being consecrated for nobler deeds in fulfillment of G-d's mitzvot. We wash them out of respect to our Maker (Shabbat 50b).

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