31 May 2010


We are all brothers. 

We have one Father.

But what happens when brothers fight?

How can we truly love our brother if we sincerely believe his behavior violates our father's wishes?

Is there a limit to Ahavas Yisroel?
Are we ever justified in rejecting a fellow Chossid because we disagree with his view?

Rabbi Yehoshua Binyomin Gordon, Head Shliach to California's Valley, will attempt to answer these questions Sunday night in the second installment of the online classes by the Achdus group.

The classes will be streaming live on - the Lubavitch Community News Service.

8:15 PM Eastern Time:
A class for women delivered by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, a Mashpia and teacher in Machon Chana in Crown Heights.

 Tonite is Part II. Part I.

9:00 PM Eastern Time:
A class for men delivered by Rabbi Gordon, Shliach of the Rebbe in Encino, CA, and teacher of a daily online Chumash class.

The Achdus group is an ongoing initiative undertaken by a group of Anash and Shluchim to promote international Lubavitch unity. For more information visit

18 rabbis, shluchim and laymen are involved in the new Achdus group that began activity this week, COLlive has learned.

To the best of our knowledge, what follows is the only public reference the Rebbe ever made to the fact that he did not have (physical) children.

These extraordinary words were said at the Farbrengen of 13 Nissan 5726:

"The Tzemach Tzedek travelled to Petersburg to participate in the infamous rabbinic gathering convened by the Russian government. In the presence of all the assembled he forcefully opposed the representative of the Crown in a manner that constituted outright rebellion.

"Upon his return home he was asked by a certain prominent individual: How could he have placed himself in mortal danger? Adding, even if the Rebbe did not think of his own welfare, he should have nonetheless been concerned with the welfare of Chassidim and Klal Yisroel! 

"The Tzemach Tzedek responded with two answers: He has his sons. And secondly, the brotherly love of Chassidim will see them through till Moshiach. 

"Now with respect to us, inasmuch as there are no children... the second option is left for us, and Chassidim therefore will unite and break through all the barriers of the doubled and redoubled darkness of golus."

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