03 August 2009

The Reflection in the Mirror

Gush Katif Retrospective

I read a great Gush Katif retrospective,
Four Years On by Joe Settler.

"It’s been four years since the destruction of Gush Katif in Gaza. I’ve been struggling all week to find the right words to write. Something, anything that after 4 years can put this meaningless, senseless, irresponsible, malicious, evil destruction in some sort of context." [...] "It becomes clear that this was and remains a battle between Jews who believe in God and Jews who don’t (and not “secular Jews”, and there are secular Jews who also believe)."

"I think for many, the answer is to win from within and fight from without."

* * * * *

When you examine the modus operandi of the 'letists' in Israel, together with the leftist media, you will see the mirror image of what is happening in America:

Obama’s ‘Hit Man’ Emanuel Splitting US American Jewry

“Obama's game is to defeat the Israel lobby from within. He could not defeat the lobby from outside it…. But now he is cracking it like a nut, and counting on Jews to do the cracking.” INNews.

In their attempt to control the natural growth of life in and around Yerushalayim (to squeeze Israelis into a Middle East Ghetto), their next focus is financial strangulation. The IRS have detailed records about Jewish Donations to Israel.
Controversial plans funded by US Jews.

The case is building.

JNF’s Logo : Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael - Redeem the Land of Israel, Contribute Regularly to the Jewish National Fund

Retrospective: Divide and Conquer

Jerusalem Police and Leftist Media are after the ultra-Nationalist Foreign Minister of Israel's Government. Lieberman is a man to reckon with. He is being hounded because of his strong stand on behalf of Israel.

"I have been persecuted by the police for the past 13 years," ... "If they have real evidence, the investigation would not have taken more than 10 years. There is no basis for this indictment."

The leftist fingerprints are all over their "Solutions for Israel"

Remember Sarkozy's edict:

Sarkozy tells [Netanyahu] to
'get rid' of Lieberman. And nearly a month to the day: Nicolas Sarkozy falls ill … the fitness-fanatic French president, was admitted to hospital after he was taken ill during an exercise routine (26 July)

The US Secretary of State’s challenge to Israel:

Secretary Clinton Meeting with Foreign Minister Lieberman June 18 …
Conference Clash Full Uncut Video:

Mr Lieberman defied President Barack Obama's administration by again rejecting calls for a total freeze of Jewish settlements as a way to restart peace talks with the Palestinians. “...we think that as in any place, babies are born, people get married, some pass away and we cannot accept this vision about an absolutely complete freezing of settlements".

Almost immediately after this meeting:

Hillary Clinton
trips (in her past support of Israel) and breaks elbow while on her way to the White House (18 June).

One side of the Mirror
The Obama Czarists' strategy of Divide and Conquer continues: An attempt to 'divide' the government's opposition to Obama's (read "Rahm's") "Solutions for the Middle East Problem".
The Reflection in the Mirror
The Israeli media will stop at nothing to complicate the issues, persecute politicians, quarantine them with police investigations in their aim toward
The State of Israel's
(G-d forbid) National Suicide.

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