17 August 2009

J Street = Jihad Alley

J Street Xposed:
Moslem & Arab Donors
Work Nefariously to Waterdown Support
for Israel inside the US Government

The J Street political action committee, which bills itself as pro-Israel and pro-peace, has received tens of thousands of dollars in donations from dozens of Arab and Muslim Americans, as well as from individuals connected to Palestinian and Iranian-advocacy groups, according to U.S. Federal Election Commission filings.

In addition, the Jerusalem Post reported, at least two State Department officials connected to Middle East issues have donated to J Street, which pushes for the two-state solution and for more U.S. involvement in resolving the Middle East conflict.

Attaching "Pro-Israel" to its Statements
Doesn't Make it Pro-Israel

American Thinker Lasky writes that J Street “has worked to have Congressmen sign onto letters that have raised hackles among many in the pro-Israel community,” and that it has links to anti-Israel billionaire George Soros. Lenny Ben-David, a former Israeli diplomat and staffer for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), told the Post that the number of Arab and Muslim donors “raises questions as to [J Street’s] banner that they're a pro-Israel organization. Why would people who are not known to be pro-Israel give money to this organization?"

To learn more,
Federal Election Commission report

Muslims, Arabs, Iranians
Among J Street Donors

The funds that come from these sources indeed constitute a small fraction of the year-and-a-half-old organization's political fundraising, which totaled around $844,000 in 2008 - a key election year - and $111,000 so far in 2009. They comprise several dozen of the PAC's 4,000-5,000 donors.

But some of the contributors play key roles in the organization. The finance committee's 50 members - with a $10,000 contribution threshold - include Lebanese-American businessman Richard Abdoo, a current board member of Amideast and a former board member of the Arab American Institute, and Genevieve Lynch, who is also a member of the National Iranian American Council board. The group has also received several contributions from Nancy Dutton, an attorney who once represented the Saudi Embassy in Washington. […]Nicole Shampaine, director of the State Department's Office for Egypt and the Levant, gave $1,000 last summer. Lewis Elbinger, who used to serve in Saudi Arabia, gave a combined $150.

Pro-Israel Activist:
J Street Incites Against Israel

Prominent pro-Israel activist Harvey Schwartz, the chairman of AIAC, spoke to INN TV and warned that the ostensibly pro-Israel group J Street is actually “very, very radical” and has incited against the Jewish state in the halls of Congress. Senior members of J Street have often distributed factually incorrect material that makes Israel look bad, he explained.

Schwartz said that he and other pro-Israel activists were not surprised to discover that much of J Street's funding comes from openly anti-Israel sources. He slammed J Street leaders, accusing them of working against their own people and suggesting a parallel to Jews who served as kapos during the Holocaust.

* * * * *

This is another nail in the coffin of American Jews

who have a scant meaningful attraction for

or spiritual connection to Eretz Yisrael

as their Homeland Inheritance from G-d.

To them it’s interfering with their leftist idology.

Our Homeland Inheritance from G-d

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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