11 August 2009

Just Another Ordinary Day in Israel

The so-called 'moderates'
are salivating for control of Shomron and Judea,
with Jerusalem thrown in

This animal appears dangerous!
Nearly rabid!

Fatah: PA Will Take All of Jerusalem – by
Peace or by Force

The Fatah party headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, reelected in the fractured party convention in Bethlehem Saturday night, concluded all of Jerusalem is a “red line” for the PA.

"Fatah will continue to sacrifice victims until Jerusalem will be returned, clean of settlements and settlers," according to a Fatah “all-or-nothing” policy paper, which did not distinguish between the part of the capital that was restored to Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967 and the section that was recognized by the United Nations as part of Israel in the 1949 Armistice Agreement.
Arutz 7

The 'Height of Chutzpah' - British Interference
in Jerusalem

British diplomat’s remarks that his country was funding Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem to “halt Israeli expansion” [...] “Israel sees this with great gravity and I assume that it will cease soon.” Arutz 7

66 Percent of Jews: Our Sovereignty in Jerusalem
is Indisputable

“The War and Peace” Index poll found that 53 percent of the Jewish public judged the government’s foreign policy favorably, while 33 percent viewed it negatively. A majority among the voters for all parties except Labor and Meretz hold this view. Arutz 7

Netanyahu: Gush Katif One Expulsion Too Many

"[We] won't repeat that mistake. We won't create new evacuees," The Prime Minister told ministers while recalling the expulsions from the Gush Katif region of Gaza and four communities in northern Samaria. Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that turning over the Gaza region to the Palestinian Authority did not leave Israel with peace or security while the government “ruined” the lives of expulsion victims. Arutz 7

Remains from Period of King Hezekiah Discovered

The most recent dramatic archaeological find in Israel is that of a luxurious administrative center from the period of King Hezekiah, over 2,700 years ago. [Hezekiah was born in c. 740 BC, the son of King Ahaz and Abijah. Hezekiah took the throne at the age of twenty-five (2 Chronicles 29:1) and reigned twenty-nine years (2 Kings 18:2). The main accounts are from the Hebrew Bible contained in 2 Kings 18-20, Isaiah 36-39, and 2 Chronicles 29-32. These sources portray him as a great and good king, following the example of his great-grandfather Uzziah. []

One Million Archaeological Artifacts
on Display in Israel

One Million statements of settlement artifacts
testifying to the civilized society of Judea and Samaria
that settled Israel thousands of years ago

Palestinian cognitive dissonance:
salivating: We’ll “Take All of Jerusalem ... by Force”

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Reb Ginsbourg: Vaiera – "The staff of Aaron swallowed their staffs"

  "The staff of Aaron swallowed their staffs" The Egyptians acted as a snake, in their cruelty adding affliction and suffering, wa...