Why do Israeli Orthodox Jews need A Place to Hide, A Place to Heal: A Battered Women's Shelter for Orthodox Jews?
Forgive me Hashem but my heart is heavy.
When ruffians create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, and others fear they might get 'beat up' for not complying to extreme lifestyles, I feel the middah k'neged middah response to such behavior could be the occurrence of INCREASED threats and terror from the enemies of the Jewish People.
You have NO IDEA what is happening here in America.
Right now, the President Obama, the United Nations General Assembly, the PA thugs, Hamas thugs, Hizbullah thugs, Persian thugs, Swedish govt. and all the others soon to follow, are planning chas v'shalom an "Ambush and Great Onslaught" to be perpetrated on Yerushalayim, and all the Israelis:
and give it to a branch of the family of Tribes occupying the surrounding lands of millions of inhabitants.

Back to Israel
I do not like the "modesty squads" patrolling religious neighborhoods, I don't like brainwashing innocent children to extreme ideas of Judaism not the way of their parents, I do not like the fighting of Jew vs Jew at
karta, there is much more I do not like and do not believe it is healthy frumkeit.
The ways of Torah are ways of pleasantness, and that doesn't mean to browbeat people or portray hospitals and their religious doctors as nazis. I believe you fight for Shabbos by spreading shalom, sharing your Shabbos table with others, doing acts of kindness to show how the Torah is a true reflection of Hashem.
What secular Israeli could embrace yiddishkeit when 'ultra' and 'haredi' and 'hasid' become anathema to the rational thinking frum and not-yet observant Jews in Israel? How can you speak about the beauty of tsnius when "young haredi MEN" attack a young lady for walking with a young man (orthodox), throw bleach on women because of their clothing, beat-up middle aged-women on buses because they had the audacity to sit in the front of a public bus, attack a young girl who didn't wear socks with her sandals; this sounds strange[ly like fascism], not like the "ways of pleasantness."
I love our beloved Eretz HaKodesh; the trees, stones, the expansive sky that seems to rise all the way to Shamayim.
Isn't it enough that the arabs are planning our chas v'shalom demise (80,000 missles in Hezbollah with chas v'shalom Israeli town names printed on them!). Why don't the war-mongering people in Israel realize that those missles will be unleashed unless there is more tolerance, chessed, and cooperation between the differing perspectives. Eretz HaKodesh is an island oasis in a sea of hostility and hatred.
I have never heard of burning trash, setting fire to baby diapers, trashing the streets you live on, attacking social-workers, attacking anyone who doesn't believe "your version of the story plot."
How long will this animosity continue between
MEANWHILE ... while civil war breaks out within ...

Netanyahu to UK: Jerusalem is Sovereign Capital of Israel
[methinks he doth protesteth too much]
Mitchell, for Obama, is keeping Netanyahu distracted, worried, and busy creating ways to stall the 'ambush and onslaught' of the '70 nations' pushing Israel into a Middle East corner.
Talks Conclude with .. a date to 'Talk' again
[With so much 'talk' one could imagine that

ALL the problems of the whole world were being solved! It's more like the
psychological warfare emanating from Pharoah's inner chamber
in the west wing of the Middle East.]

However, Abbas said in Ramallah on Wednesday, that there may be talks but NOT
ANY NEGOTIATIONS, adding that he is "determined to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital," without letting Israel exercise sovereignty over any land that was restored to the Jewish State in 1967."
[WND's Aaron Klein informs us of what is really happening 'on the ground' and in 'real time' without the political theatrics, arm-twisting, foreign-shuttling to 'explain the Israeli position', keeping the world entertained.]

The Obama Plan:
Temple Mount Under Arab-Muslim Sovereignty
The Middle East peace plan that United States President Barack Obama will unveil soon involves the creation of a Palestinian Authority state by 2011 and the transfer of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem [presumably including the Temple Mount – ed.] to Arab-Muslim sovereignty, Saudi newspaper Al-Ukaz has learned.
According to the report published Sunday in Al-Ukaz, the Obama plan also includes the following elements:
*There would be an international presence in the Jordan Valley and other parts of Judea and Samaria;
*The Palestinian Authority terror organizations would be disbanded and turn into political parties;
*The large settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria would not be dismantled;
*The fate of smaller Jewish settlement areas would be decided in a three-month-long negotiation period.

Washington Post […] A reporter for the Saudi newspaper received the information from Hassan Harisha, the Second Deputy Speaker of the Palestinian Authority Parliament. Harisha told him that the U.S. has handed over a draft of the peace proposal to the PA and other Arabs for their perusal.
"As the U.N. General Assembly meets in late September, Obama aims to announce the opening of a new negotiating process between Israelis and Palestinians, along with 'confidence-building' steps by Israel, the Palestinian Authority and a number of Arab governments," the columnist wrote. Obama "will probably lay out at least a partial vision of the two-state settlement that all sides now say they support, and the course that negotiations should take. More significantly, he intends to set an ambitious timetable for completing the peace deal -- something that will please Arabs but may irritate Israel."